Pure Obagi Blog
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What Is Double Cleansing And Why Does It Work
Double cleansing has taken over the world of skincare and it’s not just the beauty buffs going that extra mile, it’s now even becoming common practice for those of us…
5 Good Skincare Habits You Need To Be Doing
What’s so great about a skincare routine is that you can personalise it to your own skin’s needs. We often like to explore and try new products, finding familiarity in…
What Are The Differences Between Cleansers And Toners?
You often see clinical and scientific sounding words on the labels of skincare products. That can make it tough discerning what you should and shouldn’t be using for your skin.…
Skincare Trends 2022 Predictions
As 2021 finally comes to an end, we’re already looking forward to what the big skincare trends will be next year. And with so much uncertainty around, it’s nice to…