It’s often said that eyes are windows to our soul. And it’s true because these seemingly innocuous organs allow us to experience the beauty of the world and life itself. Even the bible mentions them, calling eyes the lamp of the body. ‘If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.’ There’s much debate as to what this means, but from a philosophical sense, seeing things clearly and having a greater understanding has to be better than having a bad perception and being drawn to evil!
Whatever your belief, eyes indicate to us how someone’s feeling or what they’re thinking. They convey emotion, personality and help us to form connections and communicate with one another. Yet, these wildly expressive facial features are often the first to age. Certainly, there’s a plethora of eye products on the market promising to solve all of your eye woes, but do they work? Seeing through the marketing blurb and understanding the differences between them is a good starting point.
The Difference Between Eye Cream and Eye Gel
Traditionally eye creams have tended to be heavier, thicker, and richer with their main purpose being to moisturise. As a result, they used to take longer to absorb which is why some prefer to use them at night-time or if they have drier skin. Some eye creams can cause make-up to crease into the wrinkles and lift eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara. The overall effect can be sliding make-up or panda eyes. Not good in anyone’s book!
In comparison, eye gels tend to be almost weightless and feel smoothing and refreshing on the eye area. They’re also a great option for daytime use and as a canvas for make-up.
It can often come down to simple personal preference though. If you like a creamier texture, then you’ll probably prefer eye cream. If you like something weightless and silky, then eye gel is the one for you. Recent advances have also meant that many eye creams are much lighter and have been formulated to wear underneath make-up. We’re about to meet an innovative eye cream that smashes all of those old preconceptions out the park.

Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Cream
As part of the natural ageing process, elastin depletes. This leads to saggy, less elastic skin and that’s when fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet start to appear.
A big problem is that many eye creams only work on a topical basis, replenishing the top layer of skin with moisture. It’s this that plumps up periorbital wrinkles and for a while they will appear smoother. The effects are short-lived though because these products don’t address the root cause, which is the depletion of elastin, so each day you’re back to square one. In essence, it’s firefighting without ever putting the fire out.
Another issue is that your skin becomes dependent on the moisture provided by the eye cream over time. In short, it loses the ability to hydrate the area itself. Instead of working with your skin, the cream is actually working against it and depleting it further!
As we age, we need to up our eye skincare to something much more powerful. Something which targets the problem at a deeper, cellular level to correct the underlying issue. In order to improve the elasticity of skin and its appearance, elastin must be created, converted, and organised within our skin cells.
If you’re already a fan of Obagi®, It will come as no surprise that this respected skincare brand has designed a highly effective, ground-breaking eye cream, one that’s clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area.
Ideal for those with normal to dry skin, twice-daily Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Cream uses a revolutionary Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™ that combines Copper and Zinc with Malonate. Obagi has harnessed this scientific technology because it supports the three necessary stages of developing healthy elastin: create, convert, and organise. So, this transformative eye cream replenishes the skin’s stores of elastin and collagen fibres, addressing the underlying cause of fine lines and wrinkles.

Apply Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Cream each morning and evening to the entire periorbital area. This should include the eyelid, inside corner creases, outer corner creases and under the eye. You can wear this eye cream underneath make-up, just make sure you’ve allowed it to fully absorb before applying it.
The Benefits of Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Cream
Clinical tests proved that Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Cream helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in as little as two weeks. What an amazing investment in yourself!
Apart from the noticeable improvement in fine lines and wrinkles, overall skin elasticity around the eyes will improve, saggy skin will tighten and it’s resilience increases. This is particularly important for the delicate skin around the eye area which tends to become thinner as we grow older and is subsequently, more prone to damage. You’ll be utterly amazed at how wonderfully radiant, lifted, and bouncy your eyes look once again.