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A Simple Evening Skincare Routine For Dry Or Sensitive Skin

Evening Skincare Routine for Dry Skin

The winter months can be an absolute nightmare for people with dry or sensitive skin. Dry patches, redness, irritation and even cracks in your skin may sound all too familiar to you. It’s safe to say that we’re all longing for spring to start, but while it’s still a bit colder outside, it’s crucial to keep taking good care of your skin. Especially in winter, your skin is in need of extra love, care and hydration. That’s why we have come up with a simple, yet very effective evening skincare routine that is perfect for those with dry or sensitive skin.

How Do You Know If You Have Dry Or Sensitive Skin?

For some, their skin type may be undoubtedly clear, it can be more difficult to determine for others. Before you compose a skincare routine, you’ll first need to establish what skin type you have and hence what products your skin needs. Generally speaking, people with dry skin often notice dry patches on their skin, a lack of moisture or even dehydration, flaky skin and sometimes this can cause irritation, an itchy feeling or redness. Sensitive skin can be difficult as a lot of products will cause your skin to feel irritated or itchy. Invest time and money into a skincare routine that works for your skin type and possible skin concerns. Let’s dive into what evening skincare routine would work best for you.

A Simple Evening Skincare Routine 

Even though it can be appealing to get into bed immediately after a long, busy day, we shouldn’t forget about doing our skincare routine. During the day, we build up a lot of dirt on our skin and going to sleep with that still on your face may cause your skin to break out or show more imperfections. This leads us to the first step of your evening skincare routine: cleansing.

Step 1: Cleanse your face

A step that cannot be forgotten, both in the mornings and evenings, to keep your skin looking clear, fresh and smooth. The SUZANOBAGIMD™ Foaming Cleanser is the perfect cleanser for dry and sensitive skin, as it’s a gentle microfoam that deeply cleanses your skin. With key ingredients such as Aloe Polyphenols, Brassica Sulforaphane, and Citrus Bioflavonoids provide an ABC of powerful antioxidants. This cleanser, created by the founder of Obagi, prepares your skin for bedtime by removing any built-up dirt, makeup or oils that you collect throughout the day.

SUZANOBAGIMD™ Foaming Cleanser

Step 2: Use a toner

Next, it’s time to apply a toner to help restore your pH-levels which can lead to smooth, clear looking skin. A personal favourite is the Obagi Nu-Derm® Fx Toner, which is gentle enough for dry and sensitive skin. One of the key ingredients in the toner is Witch Hazel, an ingredient known to help tighten the skin. In other words, whilst toning your face it also helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This Obagi toner also includes Aloe to soothe the skin, perfect for those with sensitive skin.

Obagi Nu-Derm® Fx Toner

Step 3: Vitamin C

L-ascorbic Acid, also known as Vitamin C, is one of the most important ingredients in skincare routines. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your mid twenties or 40 years old, incorporating Vitamin C skincare products into your daily routine can be beneficial to all. For dry or sensitive skin, we recommend using the Obagi Professional-C® Serum with 10% L-ascorbic Acid. This serum helps to brighten your skin, reduce signs of ageing and give your skin a healthy glow.

Obagi Professional-C® Serum 10%

Step 4: Hydrate

We promised to keep this skincare routine simple, so simple it is. The final step in your evening skincare routine is hydrating your skin thoroughly. Especially in the winter, your dry skin can lack moisture so it’s crucial to keep it hydrated throughout the night. Obagi Hydrate Luxe® is an ultra-rich moisturiser that provides hydration for up to eight hours, which makes it the ideal night cream. Ultimate hydration that will make your skin thrive during the day!

Obagi Hydrate Luxe®

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