Pure Obagi Blog
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How to Get Rid of Blackheads and Breakouts
Blackheads and breakouts are never a fun experience. Spots can sometimes be painful and an all-around irritating skin experience. We know that no matter what age you are, breakouts can…
Get Glowing Skin For The New Year With This Simple Routine
What a year it’s been! With the sun setting on another year, we are starting to think about what 2022 could bring our way. With all the New Year celebrations…
Has The Menopause Given You Deep Set Wrinkles?
Many of us sail through our twenties, thirties and even forties, confident that we’ve nailed a great skin care routine. Then, almost overnight, deep set wrinkles have settled in around…
5 Reasons You Still Need To Wear SPF in Winter
Many people think that sunscreen is only important during summer, when the sun is shining and we are at risk of getting sunburn. We often forget that the harmful rays…