Pure Obagi Blog

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obagi skin test

Take Our Skin Quiz to Personalise Your Skincare Routine

You can’t use a one size fits all approach when it comes to skincare. That’s because a skin product should suit your specific skin type as well as factoring in…


The Best Products For Rosacea Flare Ups

The cause of rosacea is unfortunately still unknown but what we do know is that it is one of the most annoying and sometimes even painful skin conditions. Rosacea is…


How to Exfoliate Without Stripping Important Oils

To exfoliate or not to exfoliate, that is the question. Exfoliation can be a highly beneficial step in your everyday skincare routine. However, like more concerns regarding the skin, always…

Trockene Haut im Winter

Winter Hautpflege Favoriten Für Trockene Haut

Während es einige von uns gibt, die den Winter absolut lieben, gibt es viele Leute, die den Winter fürchten, weil sie wissen, dass ihre Haut immer trockener wird. Sobald die…