Pure Obagi Blog

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winter skincare

What Happens to Our Skin in Winter?

Walking in a winter wonderland might sound pretty dreamy, but for exposed areas of skin like the face, lips, and hands, the reality is that it’s a bit of a…

obagi wrinkles

Which Obagi System Is Best For Wrinkles?

There are many certainties in life but one from which there is no escape is the ageing process. Sure, we can do things to put it off, but it always…

Skincare Christmas Gift Guide

Skincare Christmas Gift Ideas 2021

It’s not long now until the happiest season of the year starts. December is a month filled with joy, beautiful moments with your family and friends and lots of tasty…

SUZANOBAGIMD™ Balance and Refresh Kit

Why do I Have Congested Skin?

Clogged pores are never a nice phenomenon. I mean, who out there prefers rough, bumpy, spotty skin? It’s not exactly desirable, but if you are suffering congestion, there’s a lot…