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New Year Skincare Habits to Start Now

Obagi-C® Fx C-Cleansing Gel

New Year Skincare Habits to Start Now 2022 is finally here – and that can mean only one thing – it’s time to start those New Year’s resolutions, or shall we say new year skincare resolutions. Everyone strives to have good looking skin, and this is always a challenging goal to achieve! Nevertheless, there are a few things that you can do to help your skin to look and feel luscious, and they aren’t as difficult as you may think.

You don’t need an excessive skincare regime or go too overboard with products to see a difference in your skin. More often than not, there are a few bad habits, which we are all guilty of, that we simply need to fix to help our skin. For example, how many of us leave makeup sitting on our faces for too long, or even sleep with it on, only to find streaks all over our pillows the next morning (we’re guilty!). Or, how many of us forget to use SPF daily, even on those gloomy days? Making small changes will go a long way, so read on for our new year skincare habits to start now!

1. Moisturise

Sometimes, more is more… And that is true with moisturizing skincare products in winter. To keep your skin topped up on hydration, add in an intense moisturizer to your evening skincare routine. For this we recommend the Obagi Hydrate Luxe®. With its luxurious and ultra-rich balm-like texture, the Obagi Hydrate Luxe® will deliver biomimetic peptides to boost the barrier function of your skin, delivering continuous hydration and overnight moisturisation. Apply this overnight moisturizer to your face and neck to wake up and glow.


2. Ditch the hot showers

There is nothing quite like the feeling of jumping into a hot steamy shower after braving the cold outside. Whilst this guilty pleasure is perfect for warming the cockles of our hearts, our skin isn’t so much of a fan. The heat from the piping hot water can strip our skin from the essential oils that keep our complexion looking dewy and hydrated, leaving our skin vulnerable to dryness and flakiness.

Whilst this winter skincare tip may be hard to implement to begin with, after taking lukewarm showers you will notice a change in how your skin feels post-soak and won’t want to turn back. Say goodbye to red, tight and dry feeling skin, and hello to your new winter glow.

3. Hydrate from within

Across social media it seems like everyone is attempting the gallon-a-day challenge to beat their winter skin woes. But there is science behind the madness! Drinking plenty of water each day not only benefits our overall health, well-being and energy levels, but it also directly impacts our skin. Even if you aren’t managing a gallon, upping your daily fluid intake will help keep your skin moisturised and dewy, fighting off that flakey winter skin.

4. Retinol

One thing that most skincare experts can all agree on is the effectiveness of retinol. If you are well versed in skincare ingredients, chances are you’ve already stumbled upon this wonder ingredient.

Retinol is a Vitamin A and an anti-ageing powerhouse, fighting against fine lines, wrinkles, texture, uneven skin tone and acne. Adding retinol to your winter skincare routine will help to exfoliate your skin on a cellular level, increase cell turnover and collagen production, helping you to not only reveal smoother skin and unclog pores, but also preparing your skin for enhanced absorption of other skincare products. Without first removing the dead surface level of skin cells, you won’t be getting your bang for your buck when it comes to the rest of your winter skincare routine! Adding a retinol to your collection is a worthy investment.

You can explore Obagi’s much-loved retinol skincare products below with varying levels of concentration, so you can find the perfect fit for your skin and its level of sensitivity.

OBAGI360® Retinol 0.5

5. Keep topped up on SPF

SPF and sunscreen is synonymous with summer. Whether you are a skincare junkie or a newbie in the world of skincare, the chances are you are already applying skincare regularly during those spicy summer months. But as you pack away your summer wardrobe for the colder months, make sure you aren’t packing away that SPF. Whilst wardrobes rotate seasonally, and skincare products change, one thing should remain your year-round go-to, and that is a daily sunscreen.

Even with the clouds and rain setting in this winter 2022 those damaging UVA and UVB rays are still present, causing damage to our skin and causing premature ageing, fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots and in some cases, even skin cancer. By applying SPF year-round you will be helping to maintain that youthful glow in winter, not only this year, but for years to come! Prevention really is better than a cure.

We recommend the OBAGI360 Hydrafactor® SPF 30™ as it does not only function as sunscreen, but as a moisturiser as well. Alternatively, the Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ Broad Spectrum SPF 50 is ideal for providing a broad spectrum of protection for those who want a matte, sheer finish.

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Todo lo que necesita saber acerca de Obagi antes de comprar

Obagi professional c

En lo que toca a marcas de cuidado de la piel, Obagi brilla como líder en formulas innovadoras, calidad inigualable y excelentes resultados. Respectada por profesionales dermatólogos por todo el mundo, bien como celebridades e influenciadores, Obagi triunfa como una de las marcas de tratamiento más populares de nuestra generación. ¿Interesado en saber el por qué? Aquí le explicamos en detalle todo lo que necesita saber acerca de Obagi como marca, sus gamas de productos y por dónde empezar su rutina con Obagi.

¿En que se especializan los tratamientos Obagi?

Obagi tiene orgullo en sus productos revolucionarios. Con un legado de 30 ano y formulas comprobadas científicamente, la marca ha estudiado y desarrollado productos para corregir una variedad de problemas, incluyendo: pigmentación y manchas, líneas de expresión y arrugas, tónicos, exfoliantes, limpiadores y sueros, entre otras cremas hidratantes y protección solar.

¿Cuál es el mejor producto de Obagi?

El tipo de problema que necesita tartar ira determinar el mejor y más adecuado producto Obagi. La mayor parte de los productos Obagi están agrupados por colecciones y desarrollados para una aplicación conjunta, como parte de una rutina para mejores resultados. Si desea reducir señales de descoloración, tono y textura de la piel, la gama Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® es la indicada para sus necesidades. Si por otro lado busca reducir líneas de expresión, arrugas y otros índices de envejecimiento, recomendamos la gama Obagi Professional-C® Portfolio o sueros con retinol.


¿Cuáles son las diferentes gamas de productos Obagi y que hacen?

Las gamas de productos Obagi han sido desarrolladas para mejorar el tono y textura de la piel, bien como su descoloración, utilizando ingredientes activos para restaurar el resplandor natural de la piel y disminuir la aparición de problemas como acné y cicatrices de acné, envejecimiento prematuro y daño solar. Las colecciones principales de Obagi son:

  • Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® System
  • Obagi-C® Fx System
  • Obagi CLENZIderm M.D.® Systems
  • Obagi Professional-C® Portfolio
  • Obagi Elastiderm®
  • OBAGI360® Systems

¿Que tienen de diferente los productos Obagi?

Obagi no es una marca promedia, y tampoco las marcas de farmacia se comparan al nivel de conocimiento y pericia utilizados en estas gamas. Obagi solo utiliza ingredientes que ayudan a la piel, cada producto es hipoalergénico y hecho sin parabenos, sin fragancias sintéticas ni tintas. Cada producto es especifico a problemas o necesidades de la piel conteniendo ingredientes potentes que han sido testados dermatológicamente, y son hipoalergénicos.

¿Qué ingredientes utiliza Obagi?

Cada producto tiene su fórmula única con ingredientes de alta calidad. Algunos productos Obagi incluyen Benzoyl Peroxide, conocido por su habilidad en ayudar a aliviar el acné; este ingrediente está presente en la gama Obagi Clenziderm. Ácido L-ascórbico, Vitamina C en forma activa, ayuda con la apariencia de piel envejecida, y está presente en los sueros de la gama Obagi Professional-C® Portfolio. Oxido de Zinc es otro ingrediente utilizado en las gamas de protección solar de Obagi, conocido por sus propiedades de defensa solar. Retinol es un derivado de la Vitamina A, utilizado en la gama Obagi360® System en productos específicos para tratar líneas de expresión, arrugas y el envejecimiento prematuro.

¿Cuánto tardará hasta que vea resultados utilizando los productos Obagi?

Todo dependerá de que producto utiliza, y el nivel de ingredientes activos en su fórmula. Para información más a fondo acerca de la eficacia y resultado que podrá obtener utilizando productos Obagi, recomendamos consultar la descripción de cada producto individualmente. Como un ejemplo, estas dos comparaciones son de utilizadores reales de productos Obagi que han registrado resultados significativos en la apariencia de su tono de piel, textura y descolocación después de utilizar Obagi Hydrate® durante 12 semanas:

¿Por qué debo comprar Obagi?

Al saber que Obagi son los mejores en su área de productos de alta calidad, testados dermatológicamente y con resultados clínicamente probados, si desea tratar sus problemas o necesidades de piel sin reservas y definitivamente, entonces Obagi es la marca de tratamiento que necesita en su rutina.

¿Qué productos Obagi debo probar primero?

Primero es necesario decidir que problema quiere tratar y evaluar su piel – ¿Qué quiere mejorar? Una vez que lo sepa, échele un vistazo a nuestra pagina web para encontrar que producto Pure Obagi es el indicado. Recomendamos empezar con productos con un contenido menor de ingredientes activos intensos para que su piel se pueda adaptar a las fórmulas. Si sigue con dudas, contáctenos para consejos más personalizados – tendremos todo gusto en ayudarle.

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How to Keep a Youthful Glow in Winter

Obagi Hydrate Luxe®

Achieving a youthful glow can be tricky in the best of times, and made even trickier in the drier and colder months of winter. Thanks to the combination of harsh winds, cold temperatures, hot showers and dry indoor heating, our skin can be left feeling a tad lacklustre and susceptible to dryness, flakiness and an overall dull complexion. The last thing we want over the festive season…

To help you maintain your gorgeous summer glow all year round, we have created your go-to winter skincare guide that will inject instant hydration and life back into your thirsty skin! Hello glow.

1. Double dose of moisture

Finding a hydrating and long-lasting moisturizer is your first step towards a youthful glow in winter. Applying a moisturizer every morning will help replenish any lost hydration and leave a dewy soft-to-the-touch glow. We recommend the Obagi Hydrate® with its 2-in-1 Hydromanil Technology that will deliver hydration for up to 8 hours! Packed with Avocado Oil and Glycerin, this is the ultimate hydrator that will help you achieve your winter skincare goals.


Sometimes, more is more… And that is true with moisturizing skincare products in winter. To keep your skin topped up on hydration, add in an intense moisturizer to your evening skincare routine. For this we recommend the Obagi Hydrate Luxe®. With its luxurious and ultra-rich balm-like texture, the Obagi Hydrate Luxe® will deliver biomimetic peptides to boost the barrier function of your skin, delivering continuous hydration and overnight moisturisation. Apply this overnight moisturizer to your face and neck to wake up and glow.

2. Ditch the hot showers

There is nothing quite like the feeling of jumping into a hot steamy shower after braving the cold outside. Whilst this guilty pleasure is perfect for warming the cockles of our hearts, our skin isn’t so much of a fan. The heat from the piping hot water can strip our skin from the essential oils that keep our complexion looking dewy and hydrated, leaving our skin vulnerable to dryness and flakiness.

Whilst this winter skincare tip may be hard to implement to begin with, after taking lukewarm showers you will notice a change in how your skin feels post-soak and won’t want to turn back. Say goodbye to red, tight and dry feeling skin, and hello to your new winter glow.

3. Hydrate from within

Across social media it seems like everyone is attempting the gallon-a-day challenge to beat their winter skin woes. But there is science behind the madness! Drinking plenty of water each day not only benefits our overall health, well-being and energy levels, but it also directly impacts our skin. Even if you aren’t managing a gallon, upping your daily fluid intake will help keep your skin moisturised and dewy, fighting off that flakey winter skin.

4. Retinol

One thing that most skincare experts can all agree on is the effectiveness of retinol. If you are well versed in skincare ingredients, chances are you’ve already stumbled upon this wonder ingredient.

Retinol is a Vitamin A and an anti-ageing powerhouse, fighting against fine lines, wrinkles, texture, uneven skin tone and acne. Adding retinol to your winter skincare routine will help to exfoliate your skin on a cellular level, increase cell turnover and collagen production, helping you to not only reveal smoother skin and unclog pores, but also preparing your skin for enhanced absorption of other skincare products. Without first removing the dead surface level of skin cells, you won’t be getting your bang for your buck when it comes to the rest of your winter skincare routine! Adding a retinol to your collection is a worthy investment.

You can explore Obagi’s much-loved retinol skincare products below with varying levels of concentration, so you can find the perfect fit for your skin and its level of sensitivity.

OBAGI360® Retinol 0.5

5. Keep topped up on SPF

SPF and sunscreen is synonymous with summer. Whether you are a skincare junkie or a newbie in the world of skincare, the chances are you are already applying skincare regularly during those spicy summer months. But as you pack away your summer wardrobe for the colder months, make sure you aren’t packing away that SPF. Whilst wardrobes rotate seasonally, and skincare products change, one thing should remain your year-round go-to, and that is a daily sunscreen.

Even with the clouds and rain setting in winter 2022 those damaging UVA and UVB rays are still present, causing damage to our skin and causing premature ageing, fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots and in some cases, even skin cancer. By applying SPF year-round you will be helping to maintain that youthful glow in winter, not only this year, but for years to come! Prevention really is better than a cure.

OBAGI360 Hydrafactor® SPF 30 is great if you’re looking for a 2-in-1 moisturiser and sunscreen. It gives you all-day hydration and protects your skin from UV rays. Alternatively, the Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ Broad Spectrum SPF 50 is ideal for providing a broad spectrum of protection for those who want a matte, sheer finish.

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Why You Should Start the New Year with A New Skincare Routine


Why not start the new year with a new skincare routine from Obagi? New year, new me. That’s the cliché saying, isn’t it? But unsurprisingly this year, it has even more of an impact than any other year due. 2020 hasn’t been the greatest. So why not use 2022 as a completely fresh start starting with your skincare routine? Clear your mind, change up your routine, and make room for the new.

The best way to start that off is by giving yourself time to work on yourself and your wellbeing. If you don’t love your skincare routine at the moment, or you don’t have one at all, then the new year is the opportunity for you to change things up. Give your skin some much-needed TLC by beginning the new year with a new skincare routine. When you feel confident in your own skin, it radiates to other parts of your life, helping you achieve your 2022 goals!

Your New Skincare Routine: Obagi’s Revolutionary Style

You may be wondering where to begin with changing up your skincare routine and what Obagi products to use. This is why we have prepared you a list of the perfect Obagi skincare products to use, to save you the hassle! Obagi offers you leading skincare products, created to make your skin feel and look fantastic. Each of you will have individual skincare needs and wants, and Obagi addresses each of these in their specific skincare transformation systems:

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® System

For normal to dry and normal to oily skin


 OBAGI360® System

For those who are younger that may have uneven, dry skin, and early signs of ageing.

OBAGI360 System

Obagi-C® Fx System

For anyone with normal to dry or normal to oily skin looking for softer, radiant skin.

obagi c fx system

Picking the Right Products to Start the New Year with a New Skincare Routine

Essentially, these skincare systems have already got a plan laid out for you and your specific skincare type. All you need to do is decide your skin type, and what you want your skin to look like and feel. Your skin type will fall into one of the five skin types: normal, oily, combination, dry or sensitive. Once you have decided on your skin type, you will be wondering what kinds of products you will need and whether all the ones part of the Obagi system you have picked are necessary. Most of the time, this again, is tailored to the individual.

You may begin using a few products and decide that your skin isn’t loving all of them, while your friend may use five more products than you and her skin look flawless. Either way, your skincare routine should have three different parts to it: cleansing, toning and moisturising. Check out this post for more in depth information about creating a skincare routine tailored to you.

Start the New Year with A New Skincare Routine: Obagi

For those of you who haven’t tried any Obagi products and want to give them a go in your new skincare routine, the best place to start is by using products from the Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® System. This system has been created to target hyperpigmentation of the skin and reduce any signs of ageing. Here is a list of our recommended Obagi products to start your new year with a new skincare routine:

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Gentle Cleanser

At the end of a long day, the first step to unwind should be to physically remove those impurities that have accumulated throughout the day on your skin. Obagi’s gentle cleanser helps to hydrate dry skin too. Massage this product into damp skin, before removing with lukewarm water. SHOP OBAGI NU DERM GENTLE CLEANSER

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Toner

The next step is to use a toner on the skin to further hydrate, balance and prep the skin for any other products you will use. The Obagi Toner is alcohol-free and non-drying and is suitable for dry and oily skin. Apply the toner using a cotton pad to your face, making sure to avoid the eye area. SHOP OBAGI NU DERM TONER

Obagi Nu-Derm® Clear FX

Obagi Nu-Derm® Clear FX helps with hyperpigmentation, sun damage acne and melasma, helping to improve those dark and uneven patches you may have on your skin. SHOP OBAGI CLEAR FX

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Exfoderm

Exfoliating the skin is also an important step to incorporate into your routine. This chemical exfoliant is perfect for those with normal to dry skin, removing those dead skin cells and allowing your new skin to shine through. SHOP OBAGI NU-DERM EXFODERM

Obagi Hydrate® Moisturiser

Following all those previous steps, we come to the final section of your routine, using a moisturiser to lock in all the goodness we’ve already given to your skin. This moisturiser will also target those dry parts of your face and neck. SHOP OBAGI HYDRATE LUXE®

Obagi Sun Shield Matte Broad Spectrum SPF 50

The final step is to use an SPF to protect your new flawless skin from sun damage. It would be best if you used this every day that you step outside, regardless of whether the sun is out or not! SHOP OBAGI SUN SHIELD MATTE BROAD SPECTRUM SPF 50

Listen to what your skin needs and seek help from a skincare professional so that you can be introduced to the most effective Obagi solutions for your skin’s needs. If you have any further questions or want further advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.