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Wat Is Rosacea En Wat Is De Beste Behandeling?

Rosacea Skin

Rosacea komt vaker voor dan u zou denken. Het is dankzij de vooruitgang in make-up dat we ons er vaak niet van bewust zijn wanneer iemand aan deze huidaandoening lijdt. Pas als we hun blote huid zien, merken we het op. Zelfs dan kan het vaak worden aangezien voor andere huidproblemen, waaronder acne.

Wat is Rosacea?

Rosacea wordt meestal gekenmerkt door roodheid (blozen) of rode vlekken op de neus, wangen, voorhoofd en kin. De roodheid kan worden veroorzaakt door kleine, zichtbare, gebroken of gezwollen bloedvaten op de huid, of het kan de vorm aannemen van kleine, rode of roze met bultjes met pus. Ook kan er een prikkend of branderig gevoel ontstaan bij het gebruik van water of huidverzorgingsproducten. Uw huid kan warm of gevoelig aanvoelen en de symptomen kunnen periodiek oplaaien of blijvend aanhouden.

Rosacea kan soms het gebied rond de ogen aantasten, wat leidt tot oculaire rosacea. Dit kan behoorlijk ongemakkelijk zijn omdat het uw ogen droog, geïrriteerd en gezwollen kan maken. Na verloop van tijd kan rosacea ook de huid op de neus verdikken, met als gevolg dat deze er nogal bolvormig uit kan zien. Dit symptoom komt vaker voor bij mannen dan bij vrouwen.

Wat veroorzaakt Rosacea?

Rosacea kan iedereen treffen, maar vreemd genoeg is de exacte oorzaak op dit moment niet bekend. Het is hoogstwaarschijnlijk een combinatie van erfelijke en omgevingsfactoren. Een andere interessante observatie is dat het vaker voorkomt bij vrouwen van middelbare leeftijd met een lichte huid. Er wordt gedacht dat er enkele risicofactoren zijn, zoals roken en een door de zon beschadigde huid, die ook de kans op rosacea vergroten.

Er zijn ook bepaalde triggers die rosacea kunnen verergeren, waaronder:

  • Alcohol
  • Pittig voedsel
  • Kaas
  • Caffeïne
  • Warme dranken
  • Aerobics

Wat is de beste behandeling voor Rosacea?

De Obagi Repair Foundation Kit is een goede en betaalbare optie om roodheid en ontstekingen door Rosacea aan te pakken. De Obagi Nu-Derm® Gentle Cleanser is geschikt voor de gevoelige huid en helpt onzuiverheden te verwijderen; het is zacht voor de huid en de formule bevat componenten die zijn afgeleid van natuurlijke ingrediënten. De Obagi Hydrate® is het perfecte vochtinbrengende product voor diegenen die last hebben van opflakkeringen van rosacea, omdat het zorgt voor onmiddellijke hydratatie die tot 8 uur aanhoudt, dankzij de Hydromanil™-technologie. Degenen die rosacea-gerelateerde symptomen ervaren, zullen de UVA- en UVB-bescherming waarderen die de Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ Broad Spectrum SPF 50 biedt.

Obagi Repair Foundation Kit - Lifestyle

Het Obagi Nu-Derm Fx®-systeem is een zeer effectief, uitgebreid huidverzorgingssysteem, verkrijgbaar voor de normale tot droge huid en voor de normale tot vette huid, dat helpt bij de acne-gevoelige huid, hyperpigmentatie, rosacea en het minimaliseren van tekenen van veroudering zoals fijne lijntjes en rimpels. Het extreem effectieve ingrediënt Arbutine is een natuurlijk en effectief huidverhelderend middel dat in beide Obagi Nu-Derm Fx®-systemen zit. Dit uitgebreide systeem zit boordevol antioxidanten en exfolianten en heeft alles wat u nodig heeft om uw huidproblemen aan te pakken en het volledige potentieel van uw huid te ontketenen. Probeer voor een optimaal resultaat de Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Kit – Normaal-Droog of de Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Kit – Normaal-Vet.

Obagi Nu Derm Kit Normal Dry

Als alternatief zijn hier onze top aanbevelingen voor Obagi® rosacea producten.

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Foaming Gel

Voor de normale tot vette huid verwijdert deze gelreiniger van het Obagi Nu-Derm® Fx-systeem effectief make-up, olieresten en onzuiverheden veroorzaakt door de dagelijkse omgeving. In het product is Kamille-extract opgenomen, waarvan bekend is dat het irritatie vermindert. Vanwege de ontstekingsremmende eigenschappen van Kamille-extract, is het ideaal voor mensen met rosacea.

Voor mensen met een normale droge huid, raden wij aan om te kiezen voor Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Gentle Cleanser. Een heerlijke reiniger voor de droge, gevoelige huid, met ingrediënten afgeleid van natuurlijke producten, waaronder: haveraminozuren, aloë, abrikozenpitolie, panthenol, saliebladextract en Borago Officinalis-extract, plus glycerine om de huid te kalmeren en te hydrateren.

obagi gentle cleanser

Obagi Professional-C® Serum 10%

Het Obagi Professional-C® Serum is het perfecte serum voor rosacea-patiënten, omdat het is ontwikkeld voor de gevoelige, droge of geïrriteerde huid. Het is een zacht product maar heeft een rijke concentratie van 10% L-ascorbinezuur. Deze formule dringt onmiddellijk door in de huid en biedt antioxidant bescherming en een geeft u onmiddellijk een stralende huid.

Obagi Professional C-Serum 10%

Obagi Hydrate®

Rosacea kan de huid in sommige gevallen droog maken, dus het is van belang om de huid goed te voeden en gehydrateerd te houden.

Hydromanil™, een geavanceerd ingrediënt dat wordt gebruikt in Obagi Hydrate®, is de sleutel tot de langdurige hydratatie van deze gezichtscrème. Afgeleid van het Tara-zaad, dat water vasthoudt, vormen Hydromanil™ moleculen een voedingsbodem op het huidoppervlak. Ze voeden dus niet alleen de huid onmiddellijk, maar voorkomen ook verder vochtverlies en leveren in de loop van de dag geleidelijk nog meer voeding van actieve stoffen.

Andere verrijkende natuurlijke ingrediënten in deze formule zijn sheaboter, mangoboter en avocado olie. Het is hypoallergeen, niet-irriterend en geschikt voor alle huidtypes, waardoor het de ideale vochtinbrengende crème is voor iedereen die lijdt aan de effecten van rosacea.

obagi hydrate

Voor meer op maat gemaakte producten voor rosacea, bekijk onze pagina gewijd aan rosacea.

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7 Ways To Avoid Sun Damaged Skin

It’s concerning how often we’ve heard people say “but my burn will turn into a tan tomorrow” when they get sunburnt. Going into the sun unprotected can be extremely harmful to your skin. Not only can you get sunburnt, but in the long run it can cause hyperpigmentation, dark spots, sunspots or in the worst case even skin cancer. For this reason, we cannot emphasise often enough what the importance of sunscreen is and why you should wear it every single day. A common misconception is that sunscreen should only be used during the summer months, when you’re constantly exposed to direct sunlight. You might be surprised to learn that sunscreen should actually be used all year round, even in the winter months when the sun won’t even appear. We will tell you more about the seven ways you can avoid sun damaged skin.

1. SPF is your best friend

Let’s start off with the most important one: always wear SPF. Whether you’re using sunscreen or a moisturiser that contains SPF, as long as you make sure your skin is protected from the sun. We recommend using a product that contains at least SPF 30 to be fully protected. OBAGI360 HydraFactor® Broad Spectrum SPF 30 is a 2-in-1 moisturiser and sunscreen that both hydrates and protects your skin all day long. That makes incorporating SPF into your skincare routine very easy! If you’re in need of even more protection, the Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ Broad Spectrum SPF 50 is your go to sunscreen. 

Obagi360 Hydrafactor SPF 30

2. Find a spot in the shade

During the hottest days in summer, it’s best to find a spot in the shade, especially when the UV-rays are the strongest between 11AM and 2PM. No matter how loyal you are applying sunscreen every two hours, exposing your skin to a high UV index can still be harmful. 

3. Wear protective clothing

If you know you’re going to be exposed to sunlight for a long period of time, it’s best to wear protective clothing in areas you might get sunburnt easily. The shoulders, cleavage and forehead are spots that often get sunburnt, so it’s key to protect those most. Wear a short sleeved t-shirt to protect your shoulders and wear a sun hat or cap to avoid sun exposure on your forehead. 

4. Don’t forget about your lips

Do you own a lip balm or chapstick with SPF? It’s not only important to apply sunscreen on your face, but your lips as well. Not applying protective lip balm can cause your lips to age quicker and develop more fine lines and wrinkles. 

5. Check the UV index

Before going out into the sun for a lovely tanning session, make sure to check the UV index first. To paint a picture: with a UV index of zero to two, it takes one hour to get sunburnt without protection. With a UV index above 5, it takes only 10 minutes to sunburn your skin. We recommend not going into direct sunlight when the UV index is that high, but if you must, you should apply SPF30 at least once every two hours and seek as much shade as you can. 

6. Minimise hyperpigmentation

Once you get older, hyperpigmentation on your skin starts to occur more and more. Protecting your skin from the sun can help to lower the chance of getting hyperpigmentation, but some people might still have dark spots or sunspots on their face. Thankfully, there are skin-brightening products on the market, such as Obagi Nu-Derm® Blend Fx, that help to minimise the appearance of hyperpigmentation. 

Obagi Nu-Derm Blend Fx

7. Avoid reflective surfaces

As you might have experienced before, your skin burns more easily when you’re at the beach or on a boat. The reason for this is that water and sand are reflective surfaces and can reflect up to 85% of the sun’s rays. This means you’re exposed to the sun even more which increases your risk of sunburn.

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Luxury Skincare Gift Guide Mother’s Day 2022

Mother's Day 2021

For most European countries, Mother’s Day 2022 is only days or weeks away. If you haven’t found your lovely mother a present yet, now is the time to start shopping. If you really want to pamper your mother, Mother’s Day is the absolute best day to do this. Whether you’re pampering your mother by taking her out for the day, cooking her dinner or giving her luxury skincare products, she will love it for sure. You might be overwhelmed by the enormous selection of skincare products and brands to choose from. We understand that you won’t be satisfied with anything less than the absolute best for your mum so therefore, we have composed a luxury skincare gift guide for Mother’s Day 2022. 

How do you know what skincare products are best for your mum?

Buying skincare products for someone other than yourself can be extra difficult as with skincare, it’s important to know what someone’s skin type is. Skincare products are often made specifically for a certain skin type or skin concern and will be less effective when used for the wrong purpose. So, it’s time to pay a little more attention to your mother’s skin. You might be able to tell that she has oily skin when her face always has a glow over it, or if she has dry patches on her skin this will likely mean her skin type is dry skin. 

Then there’s the more difficult skin types: sensitive skin and combination skin. If your mum has an oily T-zone but dry cheeks, she likely has combination skin. If her skin is irritated quickly and she often struggles with redness, itching or breakouts, then it’s likely that she has sensitive skin. If you’re in doubt, take our skin quiz to find out more. 

Luxury skincare gift for Mother’s Day

You can never go wrong with gifting luxury skincare. A fitted, luxury skincare routine is essential to maintain healthy skin, minimise any blemishes or spots and to keep youthful-looking skin. Whether your mother spends a good hour in the bathroom getting ready for the day or she prefers a quick but effective skincare routine, you should always opt for high-quality skincare. We recommend avoiding cheap skincare products you can buy at your local supermarket as they probably contain bad ingredients or are less effective. We have listed our favourite, most effective skincare products to gift for Mother’s Day.

1. Obagi Professional-C® Serum

The absolute love of our life: Vitamin C. We swear by it! Whereas Vitamin C can be found in fruits such as oranges, it’s also a widely used and effective ingredient in skincare products. Obagi Professional-C® Serums contain Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic Acid, to help minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Besides its anti-ageing properties, these facial serums also brighten the skin whilst retaining moisture, which results in a healthy glow. Another plus is that the serum is available in three types; 10%, 15% and 20% for dry, combination or oily skin.


2. Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™

One of our most luxurious-looking skincare products is Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™, a lightweight facial serum which makes it look like you’re applying liquid gold onto your skin. Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™ can be used as a moisturiser as it hydrates the skin thoroughly, leaving it feeling smooth and fresh. A wonderful, thoughtful and luxury gift for Mother’s Day 2022. 

obagi daily hydro drops

3. Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Complete Complex Serum

Thirdly, our recommendation for a luxury skincare product would be the Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Complete Complex Serum. As the name suggests, it’s an eye serum that can be used to minimise the appearance of under-eye wrinkles and fine lines. The serum also contains Caffeine which helps to reduce the puffiness under the eyes. The perfect gift for your mother to combat signs of ageing and look fresher!

Obagi Elastiderm Eye Serum

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Complete Your Obagi Skincare Set With OBAGI360 Retinol

obagi skincare

There are so many misconceptions about retinol. It’s only for mature skin. Those with sensitivity shouldn’t use it. Retinol is dangerous and damaging. In fact, none of these statements are accurate. Retinol can be used by those with younger skin. There are of course retinol products which are suitable for sensitive skin and when used correctly, it is neither dangerous or damaging.

This much-hailed miracle ingredient is also one of the most effective anti-ageing treatments available today. And what’s more, the younger you start using it the better. Why? Because you’ll be future-proofing your skin and defending it from the signs of premature ageing.

The Science of Retinol

Despite our innate desire to appear youthful no matter our age, the body’s skin cell turnover slows down the older we get. Collagen and Elastin deplete resulting in a loss of skin elasticity and firmness. The outcome of this natural ageing process is an increase in fine lines, wrinkles, crepiness and dullness. It’s not a great advert for growing old! Of course, on the flipside many wonderful things do happen to us as we mature. Just not to our skin.

The good news is that retinol can counteract the visible effects of ageing. It does this by boosting skin cell turnover, and the knock-on effect is an increase in collagen production within the dermis. By doing so, elasticity is improved, and skin appears more youthful, far smoother and thank the lord, fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet are visibly diminished.

When Should I Use Retinol?

If you’re in a younger age-group, you may not have considered using retinol before. For certain, wrinkles seem a universe away. But you like sunbathing right? And let’s admit it, you’re partial to the odd alcoholic drink. Oh!  And before you forget, didn’t you miss a night of sleep recently? Be honest, can you always be bothered to remove your make-up or even moisturise at night and as for your diet….when exactly was the last time you hit your five a day? Or is it seven a day now? The point is that your lifestyle choices may seem inconsequential but environmental factors add up as the years pass by. Over time, skin becomes damaged, and then one day you wake up, and there it is. Your first fine line or wrinkle. It shouldn’t come as a surprise but it always does.

obagi retinoids

Retinol for Acne and Blemishes

Starting early with retinol minimises those frustrating signs of ageing. Not only that, but it prevents skin damage from happening, keeping your skin looking youthful for longer. The benefits of retinol’s anti-ageing properties are quite evident. But there’s another perk for the younger age-group too. Increased cell turnover also keeps pores clear and reduces acne, blemishes or enlarged pores. After continuous use, skin looks clearer and healthier.

How to Use Retinol

There’s no doubt that retinol is a powerful active ingredient. Subsequently it can take skin a little while to adjust to some retinol products on the market. You might have heard people talking about redness, dryness and some minor irritation.

Obagi® takes skin irritation extremely seriously. So much so, that they have carried out extensive research and conducted skin trials to assess irritation from their retinol products after 3 weeks. For this reason, you should be completely reassured that Obagi® retinol products are minimally irritating.

OBAGI360® System

A comprehensive skincare system will help you to achieve optimal results from your skincare products. That’s because products within a skincare system, have been created to work synergistically and complement one another.

The OBAGI360® system has been specifically formulated for those within the 20-30 age-group, to preserve youthful looking skin. Enlarged pores, acne and blemishes are also common concerns amongst this age-group. Obagi360® tackles all of these common concerns, leaving skin fresh, purified and all importantly, clearer.


If you’re already using the OBAGI360® system, it’s definitely time to consider adding retinol to your repertoire. Our advice is to begin with a low strength product and gradually build up. This allows your skin time to get used to it. OBAGI360® Retinol 0.5 is the perfect complement to anyone using the OBAGI360® system and it can also be used as a starter product if you’ve never used retinol before.

This low-level retinol cream helps improve complexion and smooths uneven texture. With consistent use, skin looks clearer, with less blemishes and of course, as with all retinol products, more youthful. Set a foundation in place now for a lifetime of beautiful skin and reap the benefits of retinol now, tomorrow and in the future.

OBAGI360® Retinol 0.5

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Discover Your One Way Ticket To Radiant Skin For Summer 2022

Radiant summer skin

Only a few weeks left until we can officially say it’s summer. A season most people longed for all year but once it suddenly arrives, we find ourselves unprepared. Our wardrobe needs an update, our hair might need a refresher and our skin could use a little pick-me-up. But fear not, it’s not too late to achieve radiant skin before summertime. By updating your daily skincare routine with a couple of summer skincare essentials, you will have brighter-looking, glowing skin by the time summer makes its appearance. In this blog, we will help you to discover your one way ticket to radiant skin so you can glow all summer long.


Your skin might appear a bit dull after a long winter so it’s time to get your skin looking brighter and more radiant just before summer starts. The Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® System is perfect for this as the products contain skin-brightening properties that help your skin to look more radiant. Most products in the Obagi-Nu Derm® range contain 7% Arbutin, which is a potent key ingredient that is both natural and effective at reducing pigmentation and boosting radiance. As Obagi’s products are formulated synergistically, the most results will be achieved when using the entire system on a daily basis.

obag nu derm fx


You will probably know that Vitamin C is found in many foods such as oranges, raspberries, broccoli and potatoes but did you also know that you can find Vitamin C in skincare products? Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that we need to repair tissue and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. For that reason, Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, can be found in many serums, gels and other skincare products as it has many healing properties. Not only does Vitamin C help to brighten the skin and reveal more radiant-looking skin, but it also diminishes the appearance of ageing. Once you get older, you will likely notice that your skin starts to become more saggy, lose its elasticity and start to show more fine lines and wrinkles. This is the natural process of ageing, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do to slow it down. By applying skincare products with Vitamin C or other anti-ageing ingredients, collagen production will be stimulated and your skin’s elasticity and firmness will improve.


By simply updating the products you’re currently using in your everyday skincare routine, you can improve the look and feel of your skin to get ready for summer 2022. As we understand that there are many products to choose from, we have listed our three favourite products for radiant skin below.


The first product, which might also be our favourite, is the Obagi Professional-C® Serum. This serum can be bought in three different strengths: 10%, 15% or 20%. This allows you to adapt the serum to your skin which will ensure the best results. Obagi Professional-C® Serum contains Vitamin C to brighten the skin and minimise the appearance of ageing. 



Obagi Nu-Derm® Blend Fx is a skin-brightening cream that uses 7% Arbutin and Lactic Acid to reveal brighter skin. Arbutin is a naturally occurring plant extract that treats the signs of hyperpigmentation and will therefore help to achieve radiant-looking skin.



Last, but definitely not least we recommend adding the Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum to your daily skincare routine. This facial serum contains 7% Arbutin and 10% L-ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). This combination of active ingredients makes the product highly effective in treating hyperpigmentation which will result in brighter-looking, more radiant skin. Exactly what you need before summer 2022!

Obagi-C Fx Clarifying Serum
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De Ultieme Gids Voor De Beste Huidverzorging Voor Een Vette Huid

Vette huid

Elke huid is uniek. Dat maakt het soms lastig om de juiste huidverzorging te vinden voor jouw huid. Daarom is het fijn om te weten welk huidtype je hebt, zodat je je producten hierop kunt afstemmen. Als je huid vaak vettig aanvoelt, je make-up niet goed blijft zitten en duidelijk zichtbare poriën hebt, is de kans groot dat je een vette huid hebt. Blijf je bezig met het aanbrengen van poeder om de glans te beperken? Heb je standaard doekjes in je tas zitten om je vette huid schoon te maken? Hier zit natuurlijk niemand op te wachten. Gelukkig kan er heel veel bereikt worden met het aanpassen van je huidverzorgingsroutine en deze speciaal af te stellen op een vette huid. In deze gids lopen wij je door alle stappen van de ideale huidverzorging voor een vette huid, zodat je binnen no-time een gehydrateerde, gezonde huid hebt, maar dan met minimale glans en vettigheid.


Het is belangrijk om te weten welk huidtype je hebt. Het gebruik van de verkeerde producten kan er namelijk voor zorgen dat je huid vetter wordt en meer onzuiverheden krijgt. Bij Pure Obagi geloven wij dat elke huid uniek is. Daarom is het belangrijk om te ontdekken welke producten voor jou werken.

Als je twijfelt aan welk huidtype je hebt, raden wij altijd aan om een gratis online huidtest te doen. Dit is een simpele test die bestaat uit een paar vragen, waardoor je op een snelle en eenvoudige manier kunt achterhalen wat je huidtype is. Op basis van de uitslag van deze test, kun je een huidverzorgingsroutine samenstellen.

In het algemeen herken je een vette huid aan de volgende dingen:

  • Glimmende en vettige huid
  • Last van onzuiverheden
  • Zichtbare, grove poriën, vooral in je T-zone
  • Make-up hecht niet goed aan je huid
Vet huidtype

Komt dit jou maar al te bekend voor en ben je het zat om continu je T-zone bij te poederen? Dan is het tijd om je huidverzorging een flinke opfrisbeurt te geven. Door dagelijks vijf tot vijftien minuten te besteden aan je huidverzorging, met gebruik van de juiste producten voor jouw huidtype, kun je ervoor zorgen dat je huid drastisch verbetert. Geen overtollige olie meer op je huid, maar een gezonde uitstraling.


Het lijkt misschien voor de hand liggend om producten te gebruiken die je huid uitdrogen, maar deze zullen op de lange termijn juist een averechts effect hebben. Producten die je huid uitdrogen zorgen er namelijk voor dat je huid zelf harder gaat werken om meer talg te produceren, met als resultaat een nóg vettere huid. Die producten laten we dus maar al te graag achterwege. Ook vettige crèmes zijn niet aan te raden als je een vette huid hebt, gebruik in plaats daarvan een luchtige crème, serum of gel. Lees snel verder en ontdek onze tips voor de beste huidverzorging als je een vette huid hebt.


Het maakt niet uit wat voor huidtype je hebt, het reinigen van je gezicht zou standaard op je dagelijkse planning moeten staan. En dan bij voorkeur twee keer per dag! Voor een vette huid is het aan te raden om een milde gezichtsreiniger te gebruiken, zoals de Obagi CLENZIderm Daily Care Foaming Cleanser. Deze reiniging gebruikt 2% Salicylzuur om op een effectieve manier je poriën te ontstoppen en dode huidcellen te verwijderen. Obagi CLENZIderm Daily Care Foaming Cleanser is mild genoeg om zowel ’s ochtends als ’s avonds te gebruiken tijdens je huidverzorging. De gezichtsreiniger is speciaal ontwikkeld voor acne gevoelige huid en is daarmee het perfect product voor de vette huid.



Nadat je je gezicht grondig hebt gereinigd en je de overtollige olie en onzuiverheden van je huid hebt verwijderd, is het tijd om een toner te gebruiken. Een toner, voorheen bekend als lotion of tonic, is een desinfecterend of ontvettend product waarmee je je gezicht reinigt. Je herkent een goede toner aan verzorgende bestanddelen die je huid herstellen, hydrateren en kalmeren. Bij Pure Obagi vind je drie toners die ideaal zijn voor de vette huid:

De Obagi-C® Fx Balancing Toner helpt de pH-waarden in je huid te balanceren en verheldert je huid. De toner is alcoholvrij en droogt je huid niet uit, waardoor het geschikt is voor de normale tot vette huid. Door middel van het ingrediënt Witch Hazel helpt de Obagi-C® Fx Balancing Toner om poriën te verkleinen en heeft het een ontstekingsremmende functie.

Obagi-C Balancing Toner

Ook de Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Toner is effectief in het balanceren van de pH-waarden in je huid en helpt je om een heldere, stralende huid te krijgen. Je behaalt het meeste resultaat wanneer je de toner gebruikt in combinatie met de rest van de Obagi Nu-Derm® collectie.


Wanneer je op zoek bent naar een toner met het krachtige trio van antioxiderende ingrediënten, Aloë Polyfenolen, Brassica Sulforafaan en Citrus Bioflavonoïden, dan is de SUZANOBAGIMD Balancing Toner jouw perfecte match. Deze toner minimaliseert je poriën, herstelt de natuurlijke pH-waarde van je huid en doet dit zonder de huid vet te maken.

SUZANOBAGIMD Balancing Toner


In de huidverzorgingsroutine voor een vette huid is dit onderdeel vrijwel onmisbaar: het exfoliëren van je huid. Een exfoliant is het beste product om dode huidcellen te verwijderen, poriën en acne te verminderen en in het geheel je huid gladder te maken. Onze favoriet is de Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Exfoderm Forte, een exfoliant die dode huidcellen verwijdert en daarmee celvernieuwing stimuleert, wat ervoor zorgt dat je huid er gezonder uitziet en meer straalt. Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Exfoderm Forte bevat alfahydroxyzuren glycolzuur en melkzuur, wat ervoor zorgt dat hyperpigmentatie en andere tekenen van veroudering worden verminderd. Dit zorgt voor een gezonde huid met een jonge uitstraling!

obagi exfoderm


Je denkt misschien dat dit een stap is die je beter over kunt slaan als je een vette huid hebt, maar het hydrateren van je huid is belangrijk ongeacht je huidtype. Gebruik een luchtige dagcreme of serum zoals de Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™ om je huid te hydrateren, zonder dat het vettig lijkt. Het is een mythe dat een vette huid geen vochtinbrengende crème nodig heeft, “goede” oliën kunnen namelijk “slechte” oliën tegengaan en zorgen daardoor voor een balans bij vette huid.

De Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™ zijn geschikt voor elk huidtype maar zijn in het bijzonder ideaal als je een vette huid hebt, omdat het serum zo licht is dat je het amper voelt zitten op je gezicht. Het biedt voldoende hydratatie voor de hele dag, zonder je huid het gevoel te geven dat er een vette laag bovenop ligt. Win-win!



De laatste stap in je ochtendroutine is het beschermen van je huid tegen blootstelling aan UV-straling. Vaak denken mensen dat een zonnebrandcrème alleen nodig is in de zomer, of wanneer zij volop in de zon zitten. Het maakt niet uit of het winter is, of het maar vijf graden is buiten of dat het bewolkt is, de zon geeft altijd UV-straling af die schadelijk is voor je huid. Om deze reden is het belangrijk om op een dagelijkse basis je huid te beschermen door middel van een zonnebrandcrème of een dagcrème met SPF. Wij raden aan om een crème te kiezen met factor 30 voor maximale bescherming. Hiermee voorkom je hyperpigmentatie, donkere vlekken en verminder je de kans op huidkanker aanzienlijk.

Een geschikte zonnebrandcrème voor de vette huid is de Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ Broad Spectrum SPF 50, omdat het een heldere, matte afwerking heeft op je huid. Het probleem met veel zonnebrandcrèmes is dat het je gezicht extra vet maakt, wat op den duur leidt tot acne en onzuiverheden. Hier hoef je bij de Obagi Sun Shield Matte Broad Spectrum SPF 50 niet bang te zijn, omdat deze speciaal is ontwikkeld voor de vette huid. Eindelijk kun je veilig en beschermd de zon in, zonder een extreem vette of glimmende huid!


Door deze 5-stappen gezichtsverzorging routine trouw te volgen, zul je merken dat je huid minder vet wordt, je minder onzuiverheden zult hebben en in het geheel een gezondere huid zult hebben. Als je twijfelt over jouw huidtype en de juiste producten voor jou, neem dan contact op met onze skincare experts voor een passend advies.

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Why You Need A Vitamin C Serum In Your Routine For Glowing Skin

Vitamin C Serum

With summer days approaching quickly, it’s time to give your skin some extra love and make it glow. We are all longing for warmer days, tanned skin and a dewy, radiant complexion, so let’s make this happen. During the winter, your skin will likely need different things than it will in summer and therefore, we recommend updating your skincare routine for the upcoming season. Add a Vitamin C serum to your routine to achieve that glowy look and prepare your skin for summer 2022.


Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage, a known cause of premature ageing.

As we get older, our collagen production slows down, which will cause our skin to start sagging, lose its elasticity and reveal fine lines and wrinkles. By using a Vitamin C Serum, your skin’s natural collagen production will be stimulated, resulting in glowing, youthful-looking skin. Besides having anti-ageing properties, a Vitamin C serum will also help to give your skin a brighter, more radiant complexion.

The benefits don’t stop there, Vitamin C is very effective at giving your sunscreen an extra boost, as it helps to protect your skin from damage caused by the sun. In short, if there’s one product that should definitely be included in your summer skincare regimen, it’s a Vitamin C serum.



When you start your search for a Vitamin C Serum, you will likely come across a wide range of options. So wide, that it might start to stress you out. Thankfully, we have listed the best Vitamin C Serums for your skin so your decision is narrowed down to a small list. The Obagi Professional-C® Portfolio consists of products that contain Vitamin C to boost collagen production, give your skin a glowing complexion and protect your skin from damage caused by UV rays. Obagi Professional-C® Serum is a luxurious and intense Vitamin C serum that is available in three different strengths: 10%, 15% and 20%. Depending on your skin type and your previous experience with Vitamin C products, you can decide what strength works best for you. If you have sensitive skin, we recommend going for the 10% Vitamin C serum.



The Vitamin C serum by Pure Obagi is known for its effectiveness in fighting the signs of ageing. Over time, ageing skin develops fine lines, wrinkles and it will lose its elasticity and firmness, with saggy skin as a result. Obagi Professional-C® Serum contains between 10-20% L-ascorbic Acid, which helps to stimulate collagen production and makes your skin look more youthful. When the serum is used in combination with the entire Obagi Professional-C® Portfolio, your skin will rapidly show improvement.


If you’re looking for a serum that will effectively brighten your skin, the Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum will meet all your desires. This serum contains both 10% L-ascorbic Acid and 7% Arbutin, a clinically proven skin-brightening and pigmentation-busting agent. Arbutin is an ingredient that helps to improve your skin’s appearance of hyperpigmentation which will create a more even complexion. The perfect serum for summertime, if you ask us!

Obagi-C Fx Clarifying Serum
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Luxury Skincare For Beginners: Where To Start?

luxury skincare

Are you wavering on the purchase of a luxury skincare product? It’s a common dilemma. In fact, for most of us, the purchase of a high-value product can be simultaneously exciting and daunting. 

The fact is we’re constantly bombarded with media images about how we should look, what’s on trend and the latest must-have item. Not just that, but there’s a plethora of skincare products on the market. With so much choice and mixed messaging, it can be downright confusing and difficult knowing where to begin.

Is it too much money, you might wonder. How can I be certain that the results are worth it? It’s natural to feel this way when you’re trying something out for the first time. After all, there’s nothing worse than spending all that money only for a product not to live up to its hype. 

Thankfully, you can put all those worries to bed. With over 30 years of scientific expertise and clinically proven results, Obagi® are the masters in creating luxury skincare products that work.

So, whether you’re looking to make a purchase for yourself or treat someone special this Christmas, we’ve got all your skincare needs covered.



To achieve optimum results, it’s vital to use products formulated for the needs of your skin. You can take our skin quiz now to identify your skin type.

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® System, available for Normal to Dry and Normal to Oily skin, is a great basis for a daily skincare routine. It’s our bestselling, clinically proven skincare line, formulated to dramatically improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation, whilst balancing and brightening skin tone at the same time.

The products work synergistically, meaning they complement one another, and the key ingredients work at a deep cellular level, transforming skin from within, for an enhanced, radiant and youthful complexion. Many other Obagi® products can also be used alongside the Nu-Derm Fx® System too.

obagi nu derm system


The efficacy of a skincare product rests on its ingredients and formulation. A luxury skincare product that’s worth its salt should contain dynamic ingredients that actually transform skin cells and don’t just sit on top of the skin’s surface. 

Clinical trial data should be freely available to provide proof that ingredients have a scientific basis and that results are proven. It’s also a great idea to take a look at before and after photos. 

The Obagi® Research and Development team repeatedly evaluate ingredients to find the most efficacious ones. Once ingredients have been selected, they are clinically tested on all Fitzpatrick skin types. 

Here are just some of the transformative, skin-enhancing ingredients used within Obagi® products:

  • Abyssinian Oil
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)
  • Amino Acids
  • Arbutin (7%)
  • Avocado Oil
  • Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™ 
  • Glycerin
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Hydromanil™ 
  • Lactic Acid
  • L-ascorbic Acid, 10-30%
  • Mango Butter
  • Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
  • Omega-9
  • Omega-6
  • Phytic Acid
  • Retinol
  • Retinaldehyde
  • Salicylic Acid
  • Shea Butter


Before you purchase a luxury skincare product, be clear on your skincare goals and what aspects you’d like to target. Once you’ve decided, look for products that will help you achieve them.

Obagi® have designed a product range to tackle a myriad of skin concerns. Read on for our top recommendations to target some of the more common frustrations. 


Retinol boosts skin cell turnover which keeps pores clear and reduces skin blemishes and spots. It’s a fantastic multi-purpose product because it also minimises the appearance of uneven skin texture, dark spots or hyperpigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles for clearer, healthy-looking skin. 

Try our Obagi Retinol® 0.5. It’s minimally irritating and contains wonderfully enriching Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil and calming Chamomile.

Obagi Retinol


Obagi Daily Hydro Drops™ Facial Serum is an innovative weightless serum that delivers an intensive boost of moisture. 

Key Ingredients including Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) and rich natural antioxidants, Abyssinian Oil and Hibiscus Oil are suspended using patented microfluidic Isoplentix™ technology. This ground-breaking technique means that each droplet is made individually and suspended to preserve its purest form until the time of application. also removes the need for unnecessary emulsifiers that can irritate sensitive skin.

This serum is the ultimate skin pick me up. Be amazed at the instant transformation from dull and lacklustre to a radiant, healthy, and hydrated complexion. 

obagi daily hydro drops


The emergence of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly around the thin, delicate, sensitive skin of the eye area is a common annoyance. This happens as collagen and elastin naturally deplete the older we become. To counteract the ageing process, elastin must be created, converted, and organised in order to benefit the skin. Powerful, clinical-grade products are essential to transform skin in this way.

Obagi ELASTIderm® Collection, uses a revolutionary Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™ that combines Copper and Zinc with Malonate.

This potent mineral packed trio restores elasticity, tightens sagging skin, improves skin resilience and as you’d expect, visibly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles whilst promoting collagen production. These anti-ageing eye products, and Facial Serum ticks all the boxes, a must-have for anyone concerned about fine lines and wrinkles. 

Obagi Elastiderm
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Do Night Creams Really Work and What Are Alternatives?

Night Cream

If you’re new to skincare, you might be wondering about the effects skincare products claim to have. After all, can a cream actually transform your skin? Yes, it can. Depending on the skincare brand you’re going for, they have the ability to achieve real results. Obagi® is a luxury skincare brand that develops products specially-formulated to transform the skin from within, resulting in younger, healthier-looking skin and a more confident you. Of course, it’s important to stay realistic as you cannot expect a cream to fully transform your skin overnight. Skincare is about persistence and routine, which is why real results will be achieved if you are consistent. Our skincare experts recommend composing a morning and evening routine, where you fully dedicate five to twenty minutes of your time to your skin. Night creams are a common part of evening skincare routines, but do they actually work and what do they really do?


The working of night creams is not limited to one treatment, as they come in many different variations, strengths and results. Generally speaking, any cream that does not contain SPF is a night cream, as you will need the protection against UV rays during the day. Most people use a cream, but a serum, lotion or gel could be used as well. The main target of a night cream is to keep the skin hydrated throughout the night. On average, we sleep six to eight hours every single night, which means our skin will be left alone for quite some time. To ensure hydration, a moisturising night cream can be used to maintain the moisture levels in the skin.

You might be looking for a night cream with a bigger impact, because you’re struggling with spots, extremely dry skin or ageing skin. Luckily, each night cream comes with a different working which makes them unique.



People are often fixated on using a night cream as a part of their evening skincare routine, when there are a lot of other effective products available that work even better. One of our favourite products to use during our nighttime skincare routine is the Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum. As the name suggests, this is a facial serum which contains the key ingredients Arbutin and Vitamin C. 7% Arbutin is used to improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation for a more even complexion. It’s known for its skin-brightening properties. Vitamin C, or L-ascorbic Acid, reduces signs of ageing by diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. By applying Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum every evening before going to bed, your skin will transform itself during the night. A great alternative to a night cream, if you ask us!



We believe that skincare is about unleashing your skin’s full potential by using innovative skincare products that have proven to be effective in treating skin concerns. To achieve the maximum results, consistency is key. In other words, to get the best out of your skincare products, it’s important to use them on a daily basis. By setting up an evening skincare routine, it will get easier to be consistent which will help your skin the most. Always start off by cleansing the face, to get rid of any makeup, dirt or oil that’s built up on the skin. Obagi-C® Cleansing Gel is an effective 2-in-1 cleanser that helps to remove dirt and minimise the appearance of ageing at the same time. Next, Obagi-C® Balancing Toner can be used to brighten up the skin followed by the clarifying serum to get your skin ready for the night.

Obagi-C® Fx C-Balancing Toner
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Dermatologist Approved: Obagi Luxury Serums of 2022

Mothers Day 2021

With Mother’s Day coming up next month, it’s time to start thinking about what to gift the beautiful women in your life. You might want to surprise your wife, girlfriend, mother or even your mother-in-law with a present to remind them how special they are. There are many thoughtful presents to think of, maybe your loved one is into gardening and will absolutely love receiving some plants. Or is she more into luxury and do you want to spoil her with high-quality skincare? If you ask us, the best present you could give is all the essentials for a pampering night where the woman in your life can fully relax and take care of herself. In this blog, we will run you through the five best luxury serums by Obagi that are perfect for a self-care routine.


First of all, we have our newest addition to our luxury serums: the Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™, a lightweight serum that is formulated to hydrate the skin and create smooth, refreshed skin. The facial serum is hypoallergenic, dermatologist approved and is free from emulsifiers which makes it the perfect skincare product for even those of you with sensitive skin. The Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™ contain Hibiscus Oil, Abyssinian Oil and Meadowfoam, and when combined they function to hydrate the skin without blocking pores, boost skin cell turnover and protect the skin from free radicals, UV damage and other environmental factors.

obagi daily hydro drops


Next in line is the Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum, which is a luxury skincare product that is designed to lighten and brighten skin. This facial serum is particularly rich in Vitamin C and Arbutin, which are key ingredients in anti-ageing and skin-brightening. Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic Acid, helps to boost collagen products which will minimise fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of skin-ageing. The Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum also contains 7% Arbutin, which works by improving the appearance of hyperpigmentation and creates a more even complexion. Using the brightening serum on a regular, preferably daily, basis will create a healthy, more radiant glow on your skin.



Our best-seller, using L-ascorbic Acid is the Obagi Professional- Serum. The entire Obagi Professional-C® Portfolio consists of highly effective skincare products that contain Vitamin C to diminish signs of ageing on the skin. This Vitamin C serum is available in three different strengths: 10%, 15% and 20%. Your preferred strength of Vitamin C will differ depending on your skin type and whether your skin is used to this type of product. If you have sensitive skin, we highly recommend using the 10% as it is more gentle on the skin. Where those with oily skin will benefit from using 20%.



A luxury serum that specifically targets the under-eye area is the Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Complete Complex Serum. This serum has been formulated by our skincare experts to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes. Obagi’s Eye Serum uses a rollerball technique and caffeine to restore ageing eyes, minimise puffiness and soothe the skin underneath the eyes. As the skin under your eyes is extremely delicate and vulnerable, this will likely be the first place that skin-ageing is showing. By using an anti-ageing eye serum in your twenties and thirties, you have the possibility to reduce crow’s feet and fine lines that begin to form near your eyes.

Obagi Elastiderm Eye Serum


Last but definitely not least is the Obagi ELASTIderm® Facial Serum, which has clinically proven to deliver firmer-looking skin. The facial serum is great in combination with the Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Complete Complex Serum to achieve maximum results. In only 24 hours time, the facial serum transforms your skin by using the patented Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™ technology. Obagi ELASTIderm® Facial Serum formula is specifically designed with key ingredients, such as Copper, Zinc and Malonate, to support all three stages of healthy elastin production, the protein responsible for youthful, healthy-looking skin.

Obagi Elastiderm Facial Serum

With Mother’s Day only being a couple of weeks away, these luxury serums are absolute winners to gift to your loved one. We assure you that gifting your mum, wife, mother of your children or whoever you’d like to surprise, one of these wonderful serums will definitely bring a smile onto their faces.