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The ultimate ingredients to prevent premature ageing

Premature ageing

Premature ageing is something a lot of women and men worry about. We all know we’ll age and wrinkles will form, but when that happens earlier than we expect, we try everything in our power to counter it. Inevitably, everybody will reach an age from where fighting ageing is useless. But before that time comes, there are definitely ways to slow down the ageing process, to keep you looking youthful for longer.

Are you looking to prevent signs of ageing? Keep on reading, because we’re going to share our top skincare secrets all about the best products to prevent premature skin ageing.

What is premature skin ageing?

First, let’s dive into some background information about the ageing process of skin. As discussed, we all know that ageing is inevitable. So when can we speak of ‘premature’ ageing? This is when signs of ageing, such as wrinkles and lines, occur before the age of 35. In some cases, there is little you can do about ageing. It might be a case of genetics; however, the right skincare products can help to prevent or reduce the signs of premature ageing effectively – what’s not to love!

What are the signs of premature skin ageing?

The way in which premature ageing shows on your skin will vary. However, we’ve listed the most common signs of premature skin ageing. These include sun spots, inflammation or hyperpigmentation, wrinkles or sagging and lines.

Sun spots

As a result of years of sun exposure, you will likely have some sun spots, also called age spots, on your skin. Sun spots are hyperpigmented darker spots and may appear in your face, but also on your arms, hands or décolletage. This sign of premature ageing is very easy to prevent. How, you may ask? By protecting your face from the sun every day. Every single day, if you haven’t before, make Summer 2021 the time to start! Use a good sunscreen SPF or moisturiser with SPF to protect your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. Do this without exception, both in summer and winter. Even though you might not be able to see the sun on a cloudy winter day, your skin will still be exposed to UV radiation.

Obagi SPF

Inflammation and hyperpigmentation

Other problems that often occur most on the chest as we get older are inflammation and hyperpigmentation. Similar to sun spots, inflammation and hyperpigmentation are caused by frequent and unprotected exposure to the sun. This, once again, shows how important it is to use an SPF all year around.

Wrinkles or sagging

One of the most prevalent problems when getting older is developing more wrinkles. As you age your skin will produce less collagen. This is the protein that gives your skin its shape, elasticity and structure. The result?

Your skin won’t bounce back as much and as a result, it will lose its tightness, usually on eyelids, arms, throat and chin – but have no fear, this a gradual process and Obagi Medical® have a great range of products to encourage collagen production. 

Obagi ELASTIderm® products help to support skin elasticity and collagen production, so you can bounce back from the signs of ageing. This results in firmer-looking skin. 



This might be the most difficult one, as it’s not solely caused by ageing. Lines will show on your face when you start to get older, but also when you smile, frown or have to squint your eyes when looking into the sun. Everybody has lines. Instead of hating them and trying everything in your power to get rid of them, you should embrace them, after all, they mark all the times you’ve smiled and enjoyed life! 

That being said, if you’d like to reduce either fine or deep lines then the Obagi ELASTIderm products will help you to do this, helping your skin feel firmer and making you feel more confident.

Which ingredients help to reduce signs of premature ageing?

When looking for skincare products that will help to reduce or prevent premature skin ageing, it’s important to use the right ingredients. There are certain ingredients that are used in skincare products that have a big impact on signs of premature skin ageing. Vitamin C (sometimes referred to as L-Ascorbic Acid) is by far the most important ingredient to help reduce wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and lines. The Obagi Professional-C® products use Vitamin C as their main ingredient. Because this is a natural ingredient, that is found in fruits for example, it is very beneficial and healthy for you and your skin. Another important ingredient is Retinol. Retinol is a type of retinoid, which is also known as Vitamin A. Retinol improves the skin complexion and texture and is therefore an effective ingredient to use for anti-ageing products.

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