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Easy DIY Skincare Hacks For Clear Skin In Just a Few Weeks

vitamin c

Like everyone else, we’re all trying to find new ways to improve and make our skincare routine easier. Whether you’re a long term sufferer of acne, trying to fight the signs of ageing, or even just trying to maintain that flawless, clear skin look, these DIY skincare hacks are accessible for just about anybody and they really do make a difference.

It’s likely that you’re going through a varied range of products trying to keep the blemishes and spots at bay, but it’s also highly likely that you’re not laying the simplest foundations that will fit alongside your routine to really help you in the long run.

Although currently there’s no magic method to completely clear your skin in one swoop, there are so many little things you can be doing to help the process and get the clear skin results you desire. Here are a few tips to get you started…


Changing your pillowcase once a week is not only a top beauty secret but also common prevention from breakouts. Pillowcases are known to hang onto dirt, oil and bacteria from our faces and hair while we’re sleeping, and without proper care of your pillowcases cleanliness, this forms a breeding ground for bacteria that can cause acne.

If you want to take this hack a little further, think about switching for a silk pillowcase. Opting for a silk pillowcase is a fantastic way to help your skin maintain moisture. To ensure your skin is getting enough moisture and hydration, try going that bit further and adding Obagi Hydrate® into your routine for instant and all-day hydration maintaining soft, smooth skin.

obagi hydrate


The amount of times we touch our faces every day without even realising is astonishing! But very normal. Keep your hands as clean as possible throughout the day to avoid rubbing any dirt on your face area. Our face is a warm home for bacteria and as we carry so much on our hands, we need to make sure we’re not making that connection from our hands to our face without a thorough clean!


You’re probably wondering why all the products you’ve tried thus far haven’t worked. Truth is, some skin types don’t react very well to harsh soaps that contain a lot of fragrance. Your skin is crying out for a gentle cleanser! So here’s the answer – Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Gentle Cleanser. This cleanser will effectively remove makeup, oil residue and everyday impurities caused by our environment.

obagi gentle cleanser


Taking a couple of days each week to go makeup-free will give your face the relief it’s been asking for. At the moment, we’re staying at home a bit more than usual and that’s a great opportunity to give your skin a breather from heavy layers of makeup.


It’s the age-old solution that really does make the world of difference. Drinking plenty of water will hydrate your skin and keep you looking clear-faced and fresh. Other benefits for the skin that come with drinking lots of water include faster healing, prevention of premature ageing, improved skin tone by flushing out toxins and overall balancing your pH level.

To push this tip a little further, try adding garnishings like mint, lemon or ginger to your water. This acts as a fantastic source of vitamin c as well as antioxidants into your diet which will be a great benefit to your skin.

With these tips strapped into your belt, watch the results come thick and fast.

If you’re still having trouble, contact our team!

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7 Spring Skincare Tips For Oily Skin

Oily skin

With the temperatures finally rising again, spring is upon us. Most people look forward to spring all winter long as the sun is out, the flowers start to bloom and it’s finally not that cold anymore. However, your skin might be less excited for a change of seasons and will require some time to fully adapt. When the weather switches from cold to warm, your skin might start to get a lot more greasy and oily. Is your skin typically oily already? Then you might find yourself wicking away excess moisture from your skin all day long, not a nice feeling. We have assembled a list of seven spring skincare tips specifically targeted for oily skin.


Do you wash your face only once a day or perhaps less frequently? Cleansing your skin regularly is extremely important, especially when your skin is naturally oily, as it helps to remove excess oil and dirt. If you don’t cleanse regularly, your pores will likely get clogged quicker and you will experience more frequent breakouts. Oily skin is more prone to acne which means regular cleansing is a requirement. By using the Obagi CLENZIderm Daily Care Foaming Cleanser both in the morning and evening, dead skin cells will be removed from your face and excess oil is washed away, which can help with the prevention of spots and skin blemishes. Because the cleanser uses Salicylic Acid as a type of BHA, it’s very effective in revealing clearer skin.

Obagi Cleanziderm Daily Facial Cleanser


Exfoliating the skin helps to remove dead skin cells and promotes skin cell turnover which will leave you with new, brighter, more radiant skin. If you have oily skin, it’s important to find an exfoliator that matches your skin type. The Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Exfoderm® Forte is a must-have for all those with oily skin.

This is an exfoliant that has been specially formulated to target Normal to Oily skin. Using alpha hydroxy acids Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid, Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Exfoderm® Forte helps diminish dark spots, sun spots and other signs of skin ageing. Use this two to three times a week on oily skin to get a maximum effect.

obagi exfoderm


If your skin is oily, it will be more prone to acne and breakouts. For that reason, you should tune your skincare routine based on your skin type. For oily skin, this means you will want to use skincare with active ingredients such as salicylic acid which is brilliant at unclogging blocked pores, preventing blemishes. The Obagi CLENZIderm Daily Care Foaming Cleanser includes 2% Salicylic Acid, dissolving dead skin cells and improving the absorption and penetration of following key ingredients. .


Face masks work wonders for oily skin as they help to hydrate the skin and balance skin oils at the same time. By applying a face mask on a weekly basis, your skin will balance out the oils which will make the skin appear less oily. Besides, a face mask always helps us to relax more, so why not dedicate an entire evening to selfcare? The Professional-C® Microdermabrasion Polish + Mask is a fantastic at home facial treatment with 30% Vitamin C for instant skin radiance!


Wearing too much makeup on a daily basis contributes to the clogging of pores and the buildup of excess oil on the skin. Instead of wearing a full layer of foundation, try using a concealer on the spots you need some extra coverage. Whenever possible, give your skin room to breathe by cleansing your face and getting rid of the leftover makeup from the day. One very important rule: always remove your makeup before going to bed. Even after a night out!


Even though your first reaction might be to cut a moisturiser from your daily skincare routine, oily skin still needs to be hydrated. In fact, cutting out a moisturiser will cause your skin to start producing more oil to compensate. To help regulate oil production, opt for a light moisturiser that won’t clog your pores such as the Obagi Hydrate® or New Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™ Moisturisers with a higher water content are best for oily skin.

Obagi Hydrate


Last but certainly not least, it’s important to drink at least five to six glasses of water every single day. Not only is water healthy and essential but it also helps to get rid of toxins from your body and reduce the greasy look of oily skin. An easy, natural and free way for people with oily skin to reduce the amount of moisture on their skin.

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De Ultieme Gids Voor De Beste Huidverzorging Voor Een Droge Huid

Droge huid

Wellicht heb je er last van tijdens weersveranderingen, wanneer je net uit de douche stapt of lijkt elk product jouw huid nog meer uit te drogen. Een droge huid hebben is niet altijd een pretje. Gelukkig valt er veel op te lossen door voldoende tijd te besteden aan je huidverzorging. Je krijgt ten slotte maar één huid, dus het is aan jou om hier het beste uit te halen. In deze gids vertellen wij je precies wat de beste huidverzorging is als je een droge huid hebt, zodat je binnenkort een glanzende, gladde en gehydrateerde huid hebt.


Voordat we in de beste huidverzorgingsproducten duiken, is het belangrijk om eerst je huidtype vast te stellen. De beste resultaten behaal je namelijk met skincare producten die speciaal op jouw huid zijn afgestemd. Als je huid droog is, betekent dit niet altijd gelijk dat je onder het huidtype ‘droge huid’ valt. Het kan namelijk ook zo zijn dat je een vochtarme huid hebt, wat niet genetisch is bepaald, maar komt door een vochttekort. Hierbij is het belangrijk om dagelijks genoeg water (maar liefst twee liter) binnen te krijgen.

Als je een droge huid hebt, maakt deze minder minder talg aan dan een normale huid, waardoor je huid dus droger aanvoelt. Door het tekort aan talg houdt je huid minder goed vocht vast en bouwt het geen beschermend schild af voor invloeden van buitenaf, wat je huid kwetsbaar maakt.

Droge huid herkennen

Maar waaraan herken je een droge huid nu precies? De volgende huidproblemen kun je misschien herkennen:

  • lichte schilfering of schilferige plekken
  • een ruw en vlekkerig uiterlijk
  • een trekkerig gevoel
  • jeuk

Of, in het ergste geval:

  • ernstige schilfering
  • eelt
  • kloven en/of scheurtjes in de huid
  • ruwheid

Als dit bekend voorkomt, heb je misschien te maken met een droog huidtype. Is dit het einde van de wereld? Zeker niet! Gelukkig bestaan er ontelbaar veel huidproducten die je kunnen helpen om je huid beter te hydrateren en minder droog te doen lijken en voelen. Juist omdat er zoveel keuze is, kan het zijn dat je door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet. We willen nou eenmaal een selectie van keuzes voorgeschoteld krijgen, waarbij we uit een paar top producten kiezen. Daarom hebben wij, speciaal voor mensen met een droge huid, een selectie van de beste producten gemaakt die het beste werken voor jou. Omdat een huidverzorgingsroutine niet ophoudt bij een gezichtscrème, als je het goed wilt doen tenminste, lopen wij je stap voor stap door de gehele routine.


De allereerste stap in je huidverzorging zou altijd het reinigen van je gezicht moeten zijn. Elke dag verzamelen we een hele hoop vuil op ons gezicht door het dragen van make-up en het vuil wat we buiten oppikken. Hiervoor heb je meer nodig dan alleen water, namelijk een reinigingsmelk of -olie voor je gezicht, zoals de Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Gentle Cleanser. Wil je naast het reinigen van je gezicht, ook gelijk een jongere uitstraling bevorderen? Kies dan voor de Obagi-C® Fx Cleansing Gel, een 2 in 1 reiniging die er niet alleen voor zorgt dat je huid schoon wordt, maar ook voor een jongere uitstraling door het gebruik van Vitamine C.

obagi c fx cleansing gel


Als je een droge huid hebt, loop je meer kans om een doffe, matte uitstraling te hebben, waardoor je vermoeid lijkt en minder straalt. Om dit te verbeteren, zijn er producten die je kunt gebruiken om je uitstraling op te helderen en een frisse blik te creëren. Arbutin is een ingrediënt dat wordt gebruikt om de huid op te helderen, dus ga op zoek naar huidproducten die dit speciale ingrediënt bevatten.

Obagi-C® Fx Claryfing Serum bevat 7% Arbutin en is daarmee het ideale product om je huid een boost te geven. Het serum heeft niet alleen een verhelderende functie, maar daarnaast bevat het Vitamine C waardoor het tekenen van het verouderen van de huid tegengaat. Vitamine C stimuleert de productie van collageen in je lichaam, wat ervoor zorgt dat je een stevige en elastische huid krijgt.


Een ander product wat bewezen heeft de huid op te helderen, is de Obagi Nu-Derm® Blend Fx. Dit is een crème die 7% Arbutin bevat en er daarmee voor zorgt dat je huid straalt en hyperpigmentatie tegengaat. Ook Obagi Nu-Derm® Blend Fx wordt gebruikt als anti-aging product en is effectief in het verminderen van fijne lijntjes en rimpels. Het resultaat? Je hebt een stralende huid en je lijkt gelijk een paar jaar jonger!


Het is belangrijk om je droge of zelfs uitgedroogde huid voldoende vocht in te brengen. Omdat je huid zelfstandig minder talg aanmaakt, zorgt dit voor schrale plekjes, schilfering of barsten. Om dit te voorkomen of te verminderen, is het belangrijk dat je elke dag een hydraterende crème aanbrengt. Eén van de belangrijkste stappen in je routine en zeker eentje die je nooit mag overslaan. Omdat je huid veel hydratatie nodig heeft, raden wij aan om een vettige crème te gebruiken, zowel ‘s ochtends als ‘s avonds. Door je huid te voeden met voldoende vocht, oogt en voelt je gezicht minder droog aan, wat zorgt voor een gezondere huid.

Obagi Hydrate® is een dagelijkse vochtinbrengende crème die geschikt is voor elk huidtype, dus ook voor een droge huid. De crème hydrateert je huid de hele dag door, tot wel acht uur lang. Met ingrediënten als Karitéboter, Mangoboter, Avocado-olie en Glycerine helpt Obagi Hydrate® om je huid zacht en gehydrateerd te laten voelen en lijken.

obagi hydrate

Een andere manier om de huid extra te hydrateren is door middel van de Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops™, een licht gezichtsserum dat je huid hydrateert, verzacht en verfrist. Het voordeel van het serum is dat het vrij van emulgatoren is en daarnaast ook hypoallergeen is, wat het product geschikt maar voor vrijwel elk huidtype. Dus ook als je een droge, gevoelige huid hebt, zijn de Obagi Daily Hydro Drops™ de perfecte oplossing om de huid te voeden.



Een misvatting die wij vaak langs horen komen, is dat anti-rimpel producten pas gebruikt te hoeven wanneer je bijna de 40 jaar aantikt. Tijdens hun dertiger jaren, merken veel mensen dat ze last beginnen te krijgen lachrimpels, een frons tussen hun wenkbrauwen of fijne lijntjes boven hun lip. Op dit moment reiken we dan ook vaak naar de anti-rimpel producten, maar we zullen eerlijk zijn: het kwaad is dan al geschied. Het is tenslotte beter om een probleem te voorkomen dan te genezen. Daarom is het belangrijk dat je al vroeg begint met anti-rimpel producten, bij voorkeur al vanaf je twintigste. De collageenproductie begint ongeveer vanaf je twintigste af te nemen, waardoor het meeste effect wordt bereikt met anti-rimpel producten op jongere leeftijd.

De huid onder onze ogen is dun, waardoor we niet alleen snel donkere kringen of wallen krijgen, maar ook rimpels. Doordat je huid in dit gebied zo kwetsbaar is, zullen er sneller fijne lijntjes en rimpels ontstaan door het langzaam verminderen van collageen. Door dagelijks een oogcrème te gebruiken dat anti-aging ingrediënten bevat, kun je het optreden van veroudering remmen. Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Serum is speciaal geformuleerd om de tekenen van fijne lijntjes en rimpels onder je ogen tegen te gaan. Het serum is ontworpen om gebruikt te worden op de kwetsbare huid onder de ogen en helpt om de slappe huid aan te sterken.

Obagi Elastiderm Eye Serum


De laatste, en misschien wel allerbelangrijkste, stap in je dagelijkse huidverzorgingsroutine is het beschermen van de huid. Je huid wordt dagelijks blootgesteld aan UV straling van de zon wat de huid permanent kan beschadigen. Blootstelling aan UV straling, zonder bescherming, kan leiden tot hyperpigmentatie, donkere vlekken op je huid, snellere veroudering en in het ergste geval huidkanker. Niet alleen in de zomer, maar ook in de winter is het daarom belangrijk om je huid te beschermen tegen de zon door een zonnebrandcrème te gebruiken.

Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ Broad Spectrum SPF 50 is een zonnebrandcrème met een hoge factor en zorgt daarmee voor de ultieme bescherming van je huid. Veel zonbescherming maakt de huid extreem vet, maar de Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ Broad Spectrum SPF 50 heeft een matte afwerking waardoor de huid niet gaat glimmen en de poriën niet worden geblokkeerd.

Wanneer je op zoek bent naar een 2 in 1 crème die zowel hydratatie als bescherming biedt, raden wij de OBAGI360 Hydrafactor® SPF30 aan. Dit product voorziet in alles: het hydrateert de huid, beschermt de huid tegen UVA en UVB straling én bevat ontstekingsremmende ingrediënten om de elasticiteit van de huid te bevorderen, fijne lijntjes en rimpels te verbeteren en andere tekenen van huidveroudering tegen te gaan.


Door deze 5-stappen huidverzorgingsroutine dagelijks te volgen, zul je merken dat je huid minder droog is, elastischer wordt, gezonder is en je een stralende teint zal hebben. Twijfel je over welk huidtype je hebt en welke producten het meest geschikt zijn voor jouw huid? Doe dan de gratis huidtype quiz! Elke huid is tenslotte uniek en dat vraagt om een unieke huidverzorgingsroutine.

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Drinking Lots Of Water, But Your Skin Looks Dry and Dull? Have You Tried Obagi Hydrate?

obagi hydrate

It would seem a sensible enough notion that if you drink lots of water, your skin will become adequately hydrated. Certainly, skin tends to look clearer because water helps the body get rid of waste products. The problem is that skin loses water through invisible evaporation. Even though you might be getting your daily fill of H2O, it probably won’t be at the same rate as the skin’s water content depletes. There may be other reasons why your complexion is looking dry and dull too. Poor diet, alcohol, hormonal changes, genetics and external factors like weather and seasonal changes can all affect moisture content.

To ensure that your skin is optimally hydrated, It’s important to use a moisturiser that supports the skin’s natural barrier function. This can be achieved by using ingredients that nourish and replenish water levels. Even more importantly, a barrier needs to be supported to prevent water loss and instead, to retain it within the layers of skin.


If skin looks dry, flaky, less supple, with fine lines or wrinkles forming, and you notice that it’s natural radiance has diminished, poor water content may be behind it. 

Using a moisturiser morning and evening to replenish and lock in moisture is crucial in maintaining a good level of skin hydration. ‘But I’m already doing that’ I hear you say. Many moisturisers on the market only hydrate skin for a short period of time though. On it goes in the morning, skin feels nourished, you feel satisfied and off you go. Only, a few hours later, it’s not as smooth and now is looking decidedly dry and dehydrated all over again. Oh dear. 

We need an instant hit of moisture but, we need something more. A formula that prevents water loss, and continuously hydrates skin throughout the day will provide optimal hydration. For this to happen, the moisturiser must work at a deep, cellular level, not just topically.


If you haven’t tried this must-have hydrator yet, frankly you should. Why? Because Obagi Hydrate® is the ultimate weapon to fight skin dryness. 

Clinically proven to improve moisture content, this formula has been shown to provide moisturisation for up to 8 hours. That’s all day!

Obagi Hydrate® is a scientifically backed moisturiser that does so much more than simply nourish skin. It also transforms skin cells from within, corrects damage and protects against environmental stressors. This dermatologist tested product is your absolute go-to daily moisturiser.

obagi hydrate


The secret to its long-lasting hydration is an ingredient named Hydromanil™. Derived from the Tara Seed, Hydromanil™ molecules form a matrix on the skin’s surface. 

Dehydrated skin is immediately nourished, but unlike other hydrators that give a short intensive boost of moisture, Hydromanil™ prevents further water loss through the barrier that’s been formed and holds water in the layers of the skin. This enables it to gradually deliver nourishment from active compounds over time ensuring longer-lasting hydration. 

It’s also loaded with other enriching natural ingredients including Shea Butter, Mango Butter and Avocado Oil. With continuous use, dry and dull skin will soon be forgotten. Skin looks healthier, more supple, visible signs of ageing are diminished and younger, radiant looking skin is revealed. 


You wouldn’t expect Obagi® to leave it at that. Oh no no! They’ve only gone and created an utterly gorgeous night-time hydrator to complement Obagi Hydrate®

Meet the gloriously rich Obagi Hydrate Luxe®. Forget rich, greasy overnight moisturisers, this one comes in the form of a luxurious balm-like texture. This night-time formulation has been developed to give extra-strength moisturisation overnight and it syncs with the nightly functions to repair and renew the skin. 

Hydromanil™ technology ensures that this nightly hydrator provides instant and continuous hydration, clinically proven for up to 8 hours. Powerful anti-ageing key biomimetic peptides also support the skin’s natural barrier function. Signature ingredients, Shea Butter, Mango Butter and Avocado Oil are there to provide intense nourishment, leaving skin beautifully soft to the touch. If you wonder why your skin looks so radiant in the morning, that’s because this moisturiser also naturally exfoliates throughout the night without loss of hydration. 

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How Long After Using The Nu-Derm System Will You See Results?

obagi nu-derm fx system

Obagi® are the masters at designing skincare systems that provide real, visible results. After all, there’s no point in spending money on skincare, if you’re not going to see a difference. Fundamentally, we all want skin to look healthier, clearer, smoother and younger. That’s where this transformative skincare brand can use their 30 years of knowledge and expertise to correct and prevent skin problems.


If you’ve not heard the term ‘skincare system’ before, it’s really quite simple. A skincare system is a set of products that have been created to work synergistically and complement one another. So, it makes total sense to use a skincare system if you want to achieve optimal results. Obagi® have created a number of skincare systems formulated for different skin types and varying concerns. Take our Skin Quiz now to find out which system will work best for you.


This is one of the bestselling, most innovative, clinically proven skincare systems in the world. Products are transformative, meaning that they actively change cells from within. Available for Normal to Dry skin, and Normal to Oily skin, this comprehensive non-prescription line has been formulated to dramatically improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation, whilst balancing and brightening skin tone at the same time.



The Obagi® Research and Development team has experimented with thousands of ingredients to find the most efficacious ones. Once ingredients have been selected, they are clinically tested on all Fitzpatrick skin types. 

TThe key ingredient in both the normal to dry, and normal to oily Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® System is Arbutin (7%). Arbutin is a powerful glycoside, extracted from the bearberry plant, and is a natural and effective skin-brightening agent.

Antioxidants and exfoliants also feature heavily in this line, enhancing the appearance of skin tone. Individual products use a range of other key ingredients including Aloe Vera, Amino Acids, Glycerin, Lactic Acid, Phytic Acid (AHA) and witch hazel. Obagi® Retinol 0.5 is also added into this skincare system to further enhance its results.


Clinical trials demonstrated that Obagi Nu-Derm Fx®, when used with Vitamin A (Retinol) over the course of 12-24 weeks improves the appearance of: 

·       Age spots

·       Dull-looking skin

·       Erythema (redness)

·       Fine lines and wrinkles

·       Hyperpigmentation (discolouration)

·       Rough skin

·       Sallowness (yellowish complexion)

·       Skin texture

·       Uneven skin tone

100% of patients felt the Nu-Derm Fx® System was more effective or much more effective than other medications at week 24. 


Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Exfoderm® Forte

Specially formulated for normal-oily skin, ® Exfoderm® Forte is a clinical-grade exfoliator that contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid. 

This potent formulation naturally exfoliates dull, dead skin cells, increases skin cell turnover and diminishes dark spots, sunspots and other signs of ageing. Expect a noticeably smoother, more even, glowing complexion after use.


Obagi Nu-Derm® Clear Fx

A unique skin-brightening corrective cream, designed to lighten dark spots and sun spots. Arbutin (7%) features in this product, preventing the production of tyrosinase – the enzyme in the skin responsible for melanin production that leads to sunspots. Other antioxidants, including Lactic Acid, evens out skin tone while defending the skin from damaging free radicals. This formulation is suitable for most skin types, and when used regularly, helps skin look radiant, smooth and even toned.


Obagi Hydrate® Luxe

This is a gloriously rich hydrator, developed to give turbo-strength moisturisation overnight. Hero ingredients, Shea Butter, Mango Butter, Avocado Oil plus key biomimetic peptides produce powerful anti-ageing properties. An added bonus is that this moisturiser naturally exfoliates skin throughout the night without any loss of hydration. Skin is left wonderfully nourished, hydrated and softened, with a visible improvement to the signs of ageing, like fine lines and wrinkles. Obagi Hydrate® Luxe is suitable for use with all Obagi® Systems.


Obagi Sun Shield Matte TM Broad Spectrum SPF50

Sun protection factors (SPF) are a key step that needs to become more ingrained as part of our skincare ritual, after all UVA rays are present all year round, not just in the Summer! The Obagi Sun Shield Matte Broad Spectrum SPF 50 is a  lightweight sunscreen which provides protection from both UVA and UVB rays, leaving a sheer, matte finish to reduce shine. Zinc Oxide deflects the UV rays, while Homosalate and Octisalate absorb and release radiation. This product is suitable for use with all Obagi® Systems.

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Do You Have Sensitive Skin? Here’s How To Find Out

Sensitive skin

Whenever you’re buying a new beauty product, whether that’s skincare or makeup, you will have to consider what skin type you have. The beauty market has largely expanded in recent years and that has resulted in a wide range of different products, targeting different skin types and tones. When buying skincare products, it is important to fully understand your skin type and the way your skin reacts to certain products or ingredients. Using the wrong product for your skin type can affect your skin in a negative way and of course, that’s something we wouldn’t want to happen. In this blog, we will run you through six signs that will tell you that you have sensitive skin.


If your skin is sensitive, you will notice that it reacts very quickly to products that are applied. This doesn’t necessarily have to be skincare products only, you might experience a reaction on your skin from simply washing your hands with soap. Harsh ingredients in skincare products are not a great match with sensitive skin and will likely cause redness and irritation.


Not only may products have an impact on sensitive skin, but bad weather can also cause your skin to react. Cold, windy days are not your friend if your skin is sensitive, especially for people suffering from Rosacea. The bad weather can cause flushing via agitated, swollen blood vessels which can be painful and uncomfortable. When sensitive skin is inflamed, it’s best to apply soothing products that contain Calendula, Chamomile or Aloe Vera.

Dry skin


Blotchy, inflamed skin is a well-known issue for people with sensitive skin. Whether your redness shows up naturally as a reaction to certain situations or is caused by the usage of certain ingredients, if your skin flushes red easily, this is probably a sign you have sensitive skin. Redness takes form in multiple ways, such as red rash, red bumps, blushing and flushing, or even red dilated blood vessels.


Dry skin and sensitive skin go hand-in-hand. Dryness and irritation of the skin are signs of eczema, a skin condition that makes your skin red and itchy. Depending on the severity of your dryness and possible eczema, you can decide between different types of hydrators. The Obagi Hydrate® is a moisturiser that provides all-day hydration and keeps the skin hydrated for up to eight hours. It’s the perfect product for sensitive skin as it contains no harsh ingredients.

Obagi Hydrate


Next, if you’re struggling with regular breakouts this might be caused by your sensitive skin. Dry, sensitive skin produces extra oils to compensate for the lack of moisture in the skin. This causes clogged pores that will result in more breakouts. To avoid breakouts when you have sensitive skin, you can use a gentle exfoliator to thoroughly clean your face twice a day. This will get rid of excess oil and dirt on your skin, leaving it clean and smooth. Obagi CLENZIderm Foaming Cleanser, including Salicylic Acid asa type of BHA, has been specially formulated for normal to dry skin and effectively removes makeup, oil residue and impurities.

CLENZIderm Foaming Cleanser


With sensitive skin comes increased sensitivity to UV rays that are caused by direct exposure to the sun. People with sensitive skin are more likely to sunburn and sunburn way quicker than people without sensitive skin. Is your skin already irritated or peeling before going into the sun? Be extra careful then, as the sun will have harmful effects on your skin. Whenever you’re going out, whether this is in winter or summer, you should wear sunscreen at all times. Preferably, with sensitive skin, you should wear SPF30 or higher daily. If you don’t want to stack layer on to layer, a 2-in-1 moisturiser and sunscreen combination will work best for you, such as the OBAGI360 Hydrafactor® SPF30. Does your skin need more protection? The Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ Broad Spectrum SPF50 will be your perfect match.

Obagi Hydrafactor SPF30
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What Is Exfoliating and Is It Bad For Your Skin?



Although it happens at a microscopic level, our skin is constantly shedding dead skin cells. However it doesn’t always shed them evenly or properly, leaving debris behind. Combined with dirt, dust and environmental pollutants, this can cause flaky dry patches or clogged pores resulting in blackheads, whiteheads and blemishes. As we age, our natural skin cell renewal process also begins to slow down, which can also increase the build-up of dead cells on the skin’s surface.

Exfoliation, or the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, can help restore dull, dehydrated and blemished skin. Speeding up the cell’s regeneration cycle means that skin appears more youthful too. The science of exfoliation is nothing new though. In fact, the ritual of deep cleansing has been around for thousands of years, even the ancient Egyptians were thought to have exfoliated!


Physical exfoliators, usually known as facial scrubs, rely on manual scrubbing of small granules into the skin. The result is instant as skin looks brighter and more radiant. 

Chemical exfoliators, like Retinol and Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), use the power of enzymes to transform skin at a deeper level. They do this in a number of ways including peeling away the surface of the skin, speeding up the skin renewal process, dissolving clogged pores and, in the case of Retinoids, promoting collagen. Regular use of chemical exfoliators ensures that results are transformative and long-lasting.


There’s no doubt that used in the correct way, exfoliators can smooth and brighten skin texture. In fact, exfoliation has a number of benefits:

  •       Cleans and purifies clogged pores
  •       Sloughs away dead skin cells
  •       Encourages cell turnover
  •       Helps with the absorption of other skincare products 
  •       Boosts circulation
  •       Evens and smooths skin texture
  •       Promotes collagen (Retinoids)


Although exfoliation can be highly beneficial, there are some cautions. Aggressive exfoliation can lead to dry, red, inflamed skin and more breakouts as the natural oils and barrier of the skin are stripped. Finding the right exfoliating product that isn’t too abrasive for your skin is crucial. 

Additionally, it’s vital to point out that using AHAs may increase the user’s sensitivity to the sun and especially the possibility of sunburn. When using any products containing an AHAs, always wear sunscreen and protective clothing. Exposure to the sun should be limited whilst using the product and for a week afterwards.  


If you’d like radiant, smooth skin and to target the signs of ageing, we thoroughly recommend Obagi-C® Fx Exfoliating Day Lotion. This gentle, lightweight, hydrating exfoliator is perfect for everyday use for those with normal-dry skin. To obtain optimum results, use the Obagi-C® Fx System in the following steps as your daily skincare routine:

  1.     Obagi-C® Cleansing Gel
  2.     Obagi-C®x Balancing Toner
  3.     Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum
  4.     Obagi-C® Fx Exfoliating Day Lotion
Obagi C System

Glycolic Acid, a powerful AHA, exfoliates the skin at a cellular level, dissolving dead skin cells and transforming skin from within. It also speeds up the rate of cell turnover, revealing new, fresher, younger looking skin. 

Packed full of other transformative ingredients, this daily lotion also includes 10% L-ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C in its most potent form. This multi-purpose miracle ingredient brightens and evens skin tone, giving skin an instant radiance. Vitamin C also targets the appearance of fine line and wrinkles and enhances collagen production improving skin elasticity. It also plays a role in defending skin from future damage and premature ageing caused by free radicals, skin’s nemesis. 

Obagi-C® Fx Exfoliating Day Lotion is wonderfully nourishing too. Glycerin and Hyaluronic Acid are included to improve skin’s moisture content and they also plump the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Chamomile Extract soothes and calms inflamed skin. 

Apply Obagi-C® Fx Exfoliating Day Lotion to thoroughly cleansed skin. Apply it to the face and neck each morning following the application of Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum. Gently massage into the skin until it’s fully absorbed.  

This remarkable product tackles a multitude of concerns, including hyperpigmentation, dull skin and the visible signs of ageing. Even better, the dynamic formulation can be used everyday without causing dryness, flaking or irritation, giving skin a rejuvenated, healthy and younger-looking complexion. Unleash your skin’s potential today by adding this perfect anti-ageing exfoliator to your basket. 

obagi c exfoliating day lotion
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What is a Cleanser And How Should You Use It In A Skincare Routine?

Obagi-C® Fx C-Cleansing Gel


Cleansing is a crucial step in achieving optimum results from your skincare routine. Throughout the day and night, excess oil, impurities, bacteria and dirt accumulate on skin. These can cause a blockage of skin follicles and clog up pores, trapping sebum and allowing bacteria to penetrate the skin. It’s this that can cause breakouts, blotchiness, inflammation and a lacklustre complexion. Cleansing should be part of your morning and evening skincare routine to prevent this from happening.  

A great cleanser lifts away superficial debris consisting of make-up, dirt, dead skin cells, pollutants and sunscreen. Even better, an active cleanser will penetrate deeply, clearing away excess oil and debris in the dermis. After use, skin is left thoroughly cleansed and is ready to absorb other products for maximum efficiency. Not just that, but cleansers with active ingredients can also target specific skincare concerns, including brightening skin, hydration and minimising the signs of ageing!


It’s important to make the most of your face cleansing routine by using the right cleanser. These Obagi Skin Transformation Systems include a suitable cleanser for each skin type. 

Additionally, Obagi CLENZIderm M.D.® Daily Care Foaming Cleanser has been formulated for  problematic skin, helping to calm inflammation and reduce breakouts.

If you’re not sure which Obagi Medical Products are best for you, take our skin quiz.

The products within each Obagi System have been created to work synergistically and complement one another. Additionally, products from other Obagi product ranges including ELASTIderm®SUZANOBAGIMD™ and Professional-C® can be used in conjunction with and to enhance these skincare systems too.


Our Recommendation: Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Gentle Cleanser

This gentle formulation effectively removes makeup, oil residue and impurities caused by the everyday environment. Hero ingredients include Oat Amino Acids, Aloe, Apricot Kernel Oil, Panthenol, Sage Leaf Extract and Borago Officinalis Extract, plus Glycerin soothe and hydrate dehydrated skin. 

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Gentle Cleanser helps you on your way to achieve clear, smooth, bright and more healthy-looking skin when used as part of Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® System.

obagi gentle cleanser


Our Recommendation: Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Foaming Gel

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Foaming Gel effectively removes makeup, oil residue and impurities caused by the everyday environment. It’s formulated from natural ingredients including Oat Amino Acids; Aloe Vera; Alfalfa Extract and Borago Officinalis Extract. This gel is also suitable for sensitive or inflamed skin as hero ingredient, Chamomile Extract soothes and reduces irritation with its anti-inflammatory properties.

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® Foaming Gel helps you on your way to achieve clear, smooth and more healthy-looking skin when used as part of Obagi Nu-Derm Fx® System.



Our Recommendation: Obagi CLENZIderm M.D.® Daily Care Foaming Cleanser

If you regularly suffer from spots, blemishes or breakouts, try CLENZIderm M.D.® Daily Care Foaming Cleanser. This lightweight formula contains 2% Salicylic Acid (BHA) to penetrate deep within the skin. It clears away clogged pores by gently dissolving dead skin cells and oils that are the cause of acne related concerns including blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. 

Salicylic Acid additionally improves absorption and penetration of other products, enhancing the rest of your skincare routine. With continuous use, this cleanser also prevents spots from forming in the first place. Despite its powerful action, it’s still gentle enough to use morning and night, leaving skin feeling wonderfully refreshed and purified without any tightness or dryness. Menthol is also in there to help calm irritated skin too.

obagi clenziderm cleanser


Our Recommendation: Obagi-C® Fx Cleansing Gel

Obagi-C® Fx Cleansing Gel cleans, clarifies and prepares your skin to absorb the full benefits of your anti-ageing skincare routine. This 2-in-1 formulation contains a powerful infusion of L-ascorbic Acid, the purest form of Vitamin C. The result is a nourishing cleanser with powerful antioxidant properties to defend skin against free radicals, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and complement new collagen production. The Obagi-C® Fx Cleansing Gel has been formulated with aloe barbadensis leaf juice, and has been included to hydrate and soften the skin to prevent dryness and prevent sticky residue after use. Skin feels beautifully soft and moisturised and looks even toned and radiant after use.

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Which Skin Concerns Does The Obagi-C® Fx System Target?

Obagi-C® Fx C-Clarifying Serum

Whether you’re struggling with acne, are trying to fight the early signs of ageing or you’re tackling dry skin, with Obagi’s products you will find a solution for your skincare concern. Obagi is known for its effectiveness in treating skincare problems and to do this, various product ranges are specifically formulated to conquer these issues. The Obagi-C® Fx System is a complete skincare regime that is extremely effective in targeting hyperpigmentation and signs of ageing. To understand the complete working of the Obagi-C® Fx System, we will run through the products, their ingredients and how they work to get you some amazing results.

What products are in the Obagi-C® Fx System?

The Obagi-C® Fx System consists of six highly effective products that each have their own healing properties. The system includes the following products:

Obagi C System

Obagi-C® Fx Cleansing Gel
The first step in your skincare routine is using a cleansing gel to remove any excess dirt or oil from your skin. The Obagi-C® Fx Cleansing Gel uses L-ascorbic Acid, also known as Vitamin C, to prepare your skin for absorbing the benefits of the following products in your skincare routine. This high level antioxidant gel will give you a luminous complexion and create more evenly toned, radiant skin.

Obagi-C® Fx Balancing Toner
Next, we’re moving on to the second product in your skincare routine, which is the Obagi-C® Fx Balancing Toner. This toner is specially formulated for normal to oily skin and helps to brighten the skin by balancing pH levels. As the product contains Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera, it helps to reduce enlarged pores and soothe inflammation. Use the product every morning and night to achieve skin that looks clear, radiant and healthy.

Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum
One of the most popular products in the Obagi-C® Fx System is the Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum, which is clinically proven to brighten the skin. By using Vitamin C and Arbutin 7%, the product helps to improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation and minimise the signs of ageing. Vitamin C helps to boost the production of collagen which promotes skin firmness.

Obagi-C® Exfoliating Day Lotion
Time to hydrate the skin! In every skincare routine, regardless of your skin concerns, you should always incorporate a moisturiser to hydrate the skin. The Obagi-C® Exfoliating Day Lotion is a lightweight moisturiser that hydrates as well as exfoliates the skin. With daily usage, the day lotion will help to reveal smoother and brighter skin.

Obagi-C® Therapy Night Cream
The Obagi-C® Therapy Night Cream has been formulated with 4% hydroquinone to gradually diminish dark spots while giving you the hydrates your skin requires throughout the night. As it contains Hydroquinone, the product is prescription-only.

Obagi Sun Shield Matte SPF50
Finally, it’s best to finish off your daily skincare routine by applying sunscreen or moisturiser with SPF. A common thought is that wearing SPF is only required during the summer months when you can actually feel the sun burning on your skin. However, UV rays affect your skin throughout the entire year so we recommend incorporating sunscreen into your daily routine for ultimate protection.

Obagi-C Fx

Which skin concerns are targeted with the Obagi-C® Fx System?

As the products in the Obagi-C® Fx System contain highly effective ingredients such as Vitamin C and Arbutin 7%, the system helps to tackle multiple skin concerns. With Vitamin C, the Obagi-C® Fx System reduces fine lines and wrinkles and gives you an overall youthful complexion. As Vitamin C stimulates the collagen production of the skin, the elasticity and firmness of your skin will be improved. If you’re struggling with premature ageing or you’re interested in slowing down the ageing process of your skin, the Obagi-C® Fx System is the perfect solution for your skin concern.

Arbutin is a key ingredient in skin-brightening and is used in the Obagi-C® Fx Clarifying Serum. By incorporating this serum into your daily routine, you will notice an improvement in the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is caused by unprotected exposure to the sun or by the ageing process of the skin. With the Obagi-C® Fx System, this skin concern can be drastically reduced and your skin will improve.

The Obagi-C® Fx System does not only help with ageing or hyperpigmentation but also improves uneven skin tone, rough skin and skin laxity. Overall, the system has many benefits and has clinically proven to be effective in battling skin concerns. 97% of patients using the Obagi-C® Fx System reported smoother skin and 90% of patients reported more evenly toned skin after twelve weeks of using the products. 100% of patients said that the system was good, very good or excellent compared to other skincare treatments they had used before.

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10 Things Dermatologists Wants You to Know If You Have Ageing Skin

Ageing skin

1. Protect your Skin From the Sun

Top of every dermatologist’s list and recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation is to apply SPF daily. Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ SPF50 offers broad spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays. This lightweight sunscreen leaves a sheer, matte finish to reduce shine as well as sun factor protection 50. Obagi Sun Shield Matte™ SPF50 is suitable for use with all Obagi skin care systems.

Obagi Sun Shield Matte SPF50

2. Use an Anti-Ageing Skincare System

Use an anti-ageing skincare system to ensure that products work synergistically and achieve optimal results for your skin type. Unleash your skin’s potential with Obagi-C® Fx System, a complete skincare range designed to target signs of ageing, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, skin discolouration and sun-damage.


3. Start with an Anti-Ageing Cleanser

Start as you mean to go on and use a cleanser with anti-ageing properties. Obagi-C® Fx Cleansing Gel contains L-ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). This cleansing gel prepares your skin to absorb the full benefits of your skincare routine and has powerful antioxidant properties to defend skin against free radicals, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and complement new collagen production.


4. Use an Anti-ageing Facial Serum

Serums are typically thinner and achieve a deeper level of penetration to the skin enabling cellular change. Obagi ELASTIderm® Facial Serum uses Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™. This creates new elastin in the skin, and also converts and organises it for optimum results. Efficacy results were so outstanding that 100% of participants in a 12-week clinical trial said that their skin looked firmer after use. Skin is brighter too with a visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

ELASTIderm facial serum

5. Find an Anti-ageing Exfoliator 

Exfoliators that use advanced technology do much more than just exfoliate. They allow other products to penetrate much more deeply, some deliver active ingredients to the skin and they can contain anti-ageing ingredients too. Obagi Professional-C® Microdermabrasion Polish Mask is a 2-in-1 formula, containing ultra-fine crystals for exfoliation plus a powerful infusion of 30% L-ascorbic Acid. Immediately after use, skin looks firmer and brighter and with longer-term use, tone and texture improves as does the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


6. Apply a Long-lasting Daily Moisturiser

The key to an anti-ageing moisturiser that produces visible results is that it must deliver long-lasting hydration. Hydromanil™ molecules within Obagi Hydrate® form a matrix on the skin’s surface which serves as a barrier. The matrix holds water in the layers of the skin, gradually delivering nourishment from active compounds over time. It’s even been clinically proven to improve moisture content and to provide moisturisation for up to 8 hours.

obagi hydrate

7. A Night-time Moisturiser is a Great Investment

A moisturiser specially formulated for night-time use can sync with the skin’s circadian rhythm, ensuring optimal results. The luxuriously rich Obagi Hydrate Luxe® gives extra-strength moisturisation overnight, assisting with the nightly functions of renewal and replenishment. Nourishing Shea Butter, Mango Butter and Avocado Oil are included as well as powerful anti-ageing key biomimetic peptides. Skin is left radiant and exceptionally nourished.

8. Discover the Anti-Ageing Benefits of Retinol

It’s never too early to start using the dermatologists go-to anti-ageing ingredient, retinol, to prevent the signs of ageing. This multi-purpose skincare saviour boosts skin cell turnover, minimising the appearance of uneven skin texture, dark spots or hyperpigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles for clearer, healthy-looking skin. 

Obagi Retinol® 1.0 is minimally irritating and contains wonderfully enriching Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil and calming Chamomile. Not only does it target fine lines and wrinkles and leaves the user with a smoother, brighter complexion but it also prevents future skin damage.

Obagi Retinol

 9. Vitamin C is a Powerful Antioxidant

It’s another wonder ingredient that’s taken the skincare industry by storm. Vitamin C produces glowing, smoother, more hydrated skin, also calms skin inflammation, reduces irregular pigmentation and minimises signs of ageing. Obagi Professional-C® Serum has been formulated with L-ascorbic Acid; Vitamin C is in its purest form. Clinical studies have demonstrated that Obagi Professional-C® Serum penetrates the epidermis and dermis significantly better than most Vitamin C serums. For dry, mature, sensitive skin, we’d recommend starting with the 10% formulation.


10. Eye-Creams Must Develop Healthy Elastin

To repair and prevent fine lines and wrinkles around the eye contours, it’s vital that an eye cream supports the three necessary stages of developing healthy elastin: create, convert and organise. Obagi ELASTIderm® Eye Cream combats the loss of elastin which leads to weak, sagging, ageing skin, by combining powerful zinc and copper – with malonate within its powerful Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™ technology. With regular use, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the delicate eye area are visibly diminished in as little as two weeks.

obagi elastiderm eye cream