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How Rosacea Affects Mature Skin As We Age

How Rosacea Affects Ageing Skin

There’s no doubt that your skin will change as you get older, but how will this affect you if you have a skin condition like eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea? If you’re suffering from rosacea but are unsure how to treat it OR you think you might have rosacea, it can be good to look into the skin issue. In order to treat your skin concerns, you first need to understand what is potentially causing these flare ups and issues.

What should you be on the lookout for, and how can you avoid premature ageing? And also, what can you expect from rosacea-prone skin as you get older?

Does rosacea get worse as your skin matures?

It’s helpful to have a basic awareness of the primary components of your skin in order to better comprehend how ageing affects psoriasis or rosacea symptoms.

Collagen production slows down as you get older, which can cause your skin to become more vulnerable. However, your levels of sebum oil will start to drop as you get older, and the outermost layer of your skin will progressively lose its capacity to retain moisture, which is bad news for your rosacea, which may become more prone to inflammation.

Even in healthy skin, this loss of moisture can cause your skin to become drier and frailer, making it more susceptible to oxidative stress and free radical damage. UV radiation, also known as sun damage, is a serious issue that rosacea sufferers should be aware of as they grow older. As you age, your production of melanocytes, the cells that help protect your skin from UV radiation, decreases, making you more vulnerable to UV radiation.

The bad news is that the antioxidants you need to fight premature ageing may not reach your skin because your circulation to this area may weaken, depriving your skin of the antioxidants it needs. You should also keep in mind that as you age, your blood capillaries weaken and become more prone to bursting or fracturing beneath the skin’s surface. This can lead to the redness associated with a rosacea flare-up.

How do hormones affect your rosacea as you age?

Hormones aren’t going to help your skin out either. When your hormone levels start to change you can start to feel a difference in your skin. This is because the hormones that produce the oil for your skin drop which can leave you feeling itchy, drier, and more prone to irritation.

If you have a skin condition like rosacea, you need to also be aware of another issue which is hot flushes. According to studies, rosacea patients have increased nerve and perspiration responses, as well as a higher facial skin surface temperature. These heightened sweat reactions could be activated if you have menopausal hot sweats, posing still another issue.

What can you do if you have rosacea as you get older?

Dealing with rosacea can seem like an uphill climb with no end in sight. As your skin barrier is deteriorating, your skin can start to suffer, becoming dry, irritated, and inflamed but there is still a lot you can do to soothe and heal your skin. Read more about this on our blog and learn how to soothe rosacea and feel better in your own skin!

Obagi-C® Fx System 

Start by looking at the products you’re using on your skin and in your skincare routine, the right skincare products can make a tremendous difference. Although it may be tempting to reach for traditional anti-ageing creams, the majority of these include harsh ingredients and abrasive compounds that will irritate your dry, sensitive skin even more.

The Obagi-C® Fx System is great for people suffering from rosacea as they age. The products are designed to harness the power of Arbutin and L-ascorbic Acid, to target the signs of ageing and hyperpigmentation. This will leave your skin feeling fresh and radiant and when used regularly, it will help to regain or maintain a youthful appearance.

Obagi-C® Fx System

The products in the Obagi-C® Fx System help to achieve clear and healthy-looking skin, whilst also reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, skin discolouration, and sun damage.

As you age, you may need to adjust the products you use to combat maturing skin but also to aid in soothing any skin issues. The Obagi-C® Fx System is perfect for this, the Arbutin can help to address any pigmentation, rosacea issues, whilst the L-ascorbic Acid combats early signs of fine lines and wrinkles, boosting collagen production.

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