Obagi’s SKINCLUSION initiative is a celebration of worldwide diversion and inclusion. We can all be conscious, be fearless and be beautiful – the 3 key elements of the SKINCLUSION awareness campaign.
This global awareness initiative has been created to elevate and enhance the discussion about diversity and inclusion in the skincare industry. As market leaders, Obagi prides itself on leading the discussion and bringing products to the market that allow everyone to experience medical grade skincare. We can all have beautiful skin!
Everyone’s skin is both beautiful and unique…
With individual skincare needs based on 3 key elements:
- Skin tone
- Skin concerns
- Skin type
Everyone has a place on the Fitzpatrick Scale
In 1975, Harvard dermatologist Dr Thomas B. Fitzpatrick MD developed the Fitzpatrick Scale to categorise skin into 6 different types. These types indicate the skin’s predicted response to UVA, UVB and ultraviolet light. Inclusion is paramount, and due to this, the Obagi SKINCLUSION initiative ensures we all have a space on the scale.
Everyone has a skin type, but what is yours?
Correlating to the Fitzpatrick Scale mentioned previously, we all have a skin type between type 1 to type 6. Read the chart below to find your space on the scale.
Skin Type 1
Skin colour prior to sun and UV exposure: ivory
Skin’s reaction to sun and UV exposure: freckles, burns, peels, never tans
Skin Type 2
Skin colour prior to sun and UV exposure: fair
Skin’s reaction to sun and UV exposure: often develops freckles, often burns & peels, rarely tans.
Skin Type 3
Skin colour prior to sun and UV exposure: beige, with golden undertones
Skin’s reaction to sun and UV exposure: may freckle, burns only on occasion, and sometimes develops a tan.
Skin Type 4
Skin colour prior to sun and UV exposure: light brown or olive
Skin’s reaction to sun and UV exposure: rarely freckles or burns, however often tans.
Skin Type 5
Skin colour prior to sun and UV exposure: dark brown
Skin’s reaction to sun and UV exposure: rarely freckles, almost never burns, always tans.
Skin Type 6
Skin colour prior to sun and UV exposure: deeply pigmented dark brown to darkest brown
Skin’s reaction to sun and UV exposure: never freckles or burns, always tans.

All Day, Everyday Commitment
Obagi is a leading champion of diversity and is the first medical skincare brand to design clinical research protocols that encompass all 6 skin types in the Fitzpatrick Skin Spectrum.
The global skincare company is female-led and is committed to diversity and inclusion in both the product development and their working environment. Obagi has a 30 year legacy and high degree of employee diversity, these beliefs run to the core, and Obagi are proud to continuously withhold these.
Skincare is more than ‘correcting’ and ‘preventing’, it’s about allowing you to feel confident, helping you to reach your skin’s full potential. The future of skincare is ahead, not behind, and this is why Obagi are focused on ensuring everyone is represented, today, tomorrow and for all the time going forward.