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Why Exfoliating Is Just As Important In Your 50s As Ever Before

Exfoliating Mature Skin

As you get older, you may feel as if your skin has become fragile and a lot of products may do more harm than good. You’ll want to avoid doing anything to your skin that may damage it or make ageing skin worse. Exfoliating could be seen as being too harsh and pulling your skin, which is a big no-no when it comes to wrinkles and ageing.

However, exfoliating and anti-ageing go hand in hand. This pairing can be complicated but it is vital for mature skin because, as we age, our skin cell turnover slows down, making it even more necessary to remove any dead skin cells and encourage your skin to replace them. But be careful not to over-exfoliate or scrub too hard, as this can have adverse effects on your skin, so be mindful.

It is all about knowing what works for you and at Pure Obagi, the products and treatments are made with your skin in mind.


What Does Exfoliating The Skin Do?

Exfoliating your skin is vital regardless of your age, but if you’ve noticed some signs of ageing, then it’s time to up your exfoliation regime. As we age, our skin becomes dull and loses its glow.

Regular exfoliation can help bring that glow back by getting rid of the dead skin cells that are on the skin’s surface. By exfoliating, you can remove this dry skin and reveal smoother, softer skin.

Exfoliation can also aid in the natural skin cell-turnover process and can help your skincare products penetrate deeper into the skin. That is why the OBAGI360® System is designed to be used in the morning, to allow the products to penetrate deeply into your skin, giving it the nourishment and care that it needs all day long.

Exfoliation can also help to reduce breakouts that are caused by clogged pores and smooth the surface of the skin.

OBAGI360 system

Signs of Ageing Skin

It is natural that, as you get older, your skin will start to change and show signs of ageing. Having maturing skin is a naturally occurring process,but you can put practices in place to help your skin look its best. If you take good care of it, your skin can remain youthful and radiant. 

There are some skin concerns to look out for as you naturally start to age. Identifying them  will help you to make sure your skincare routine is providing your skin with the products it needs. Some signs to look out for include, thinness and transparency, dryness, itchiness, or roughness, loose-hanging or slack skin, dark spots, dullness, or dehydration.

How To Get Glowing Skin At 50?

As you age, it can be difficult to know how to keep your skin healthy and youthful. Your skincare routine should be your best friend and evolve with you as you age. The Obagi360® System is formulated to help you fight the signs of ageing through gentle exfoliation, giving you a radiant, youthful and smooth complexion. Exfoliating helps to keep your cells new and healthy, promoting a constant turnover. When used and done correctly, exfoliating can have a great impact on ageing skin, leaving it looking bright and radiant, whilst helping to reduce and even avoid fine lines and wrinkles. The Obagi Exfoliating Kit is made to leave your skin feeling rejuvenated and brightened, whilst tackling signs of ageing. This is how to take care of skin after 50.

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