Mothers Day 2021

Dermatologist Approved: Obagi Luxury Serums of 2022

With Mother’s Day coming up next month, it’s time to start thinking about what to gift the beautiful women in your life. You might want to surprise your wife, girlfriend,…

Oily skin

7 Spring Skincare Tips For Oily Skin

With the temperatures finally rising again, spring is upon us. Most people look forward to spring all winter long as the sun is out, the flowers start to bloom and…

obagi hydrate

Drinking Lots Of Water, But Your Skin Looks Dry and Dull? Have You Tried Obagi Hydrate?

It would seem a sensible enough notion that if you drink lots of water, your skin will become adequately hydrated. Certainly, skin tends to look clearer because water helps the…


What Is Exfoliating and Is It Bad For Your Skin?

WHAT IS EXFOLIATING? Although it happens at a microscopic level, our skin is constantly shedding dead skin cells. However it doesn’t always shed them evenly or properly, leaving debris behind.…